Mountain biking, snowboarding, live music, dancing (i suck though), poetry, hanging out with fun people, involving myself in antics that often seem ridiculous in retrospect, traveling, causing trouble, being vegan, my new cowboy hat, and annoying "the man".
BORAT! (funniest movie ever, fuck all the racists claiming they didn't know they were going to be in a movie), Outfoxed, Alien Autopsy, Sin City, Napoleon Dynamite, The Dark Crystal, Labryinth, The Goonies, Boondock Saints, Pump Up the Volume and Gleaming the Cube, The Breakfast Club, KILL BILL I & II, Bowling For Columbine & Farenheit 9/11, The Big Lebowski, and just about anything with John Cusak...esp. High Fidelity & Better Off Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Dodgeball, and Anchorman.
GREATEST BLOCK OF TV EVER!!! Wednesday nights starting at 11: Futurama and The Family Guy on Cartoon Network followed by Southpark, Daily Show and Chappel Show on Comedy Central. The only shows worth watching on television all in a row. ROCK!!! Unfortunately the Chappel show is done for the season but i'll leave this up as a memory to the greatest block of television ever. Except for maybe Thundercats and Voltron at 4pm on Cartoon Network a few years ago.
Grapes of Wrath, "How It All Began" by Bommi Baumann, "Days of War, Nights of Love" put out by, "People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, The Da Vinci Code, Henry Rollins, and any good poetry with something to say. Also check out for good stuff.
Rich white men in uncomfortable situations and republicans pretending they don't hate black people.