Ishmael Von Googenheim profile picture

Ishmael Von Googenheim

About Me

I like long walks on the beach and taking long baths with a good book. Romantic candle-lit dinners and midnight rendevouz with a lover tickle my fancy. Ben likes men, men like ben, but mostly, Ben likes men (the one from my tech class). Brian has two vaginas and a black father in his luxourious trailor.. I killed Hello Kitty a few days ago, after savagly beating the living hell out of her. Be on the look out for KB 1.3(What what), and my album is gonna drop the 14th. Its called Fah Q, and it contains my ..1 hit single "Like a Clergyman" feat. emohunter/ress and JZ. I ain't gay. Me and The EmoHunter will do the same to you as we did to Hello Kitty, minus the savage rape, if you're emo, and lucky.
This is where I give a shout out to my peeps and rep the A: Watsup ladies, Lafonda, aisha, and all my other baby mommas. -Ishmael Von Googenheim, Peace Niggas

My Interests

I love garden Gnomes. I have collected them for over 60 years now and I have 47,892.43 of them, one from Germany, 3 from Mexico, and the rest were made in China. Just like everything else in this world. except for me, i was made in a test tube.

I'd like to meet:

Rufus( The 13th apostile), Black baby jesus, Bill Nye(The sience guy), Marsha Brady, The ghosts of Christmas Past and Future, but not present(hes a dick), and JTT.


i fucking HATE emo

