Pissed Off Records profile picture

Pissed Off Records

Pissed Off Records

About Me

A small DIY hardcore/punk label and distribution that based in Melaka,Malaysia.
POR 0.5:Victims of Grind CD
A 3 way split cd consists of Parkinson,Kerena Neko,Self Made God. a colloborative effort by other labels.3 finest malaysian grindcore bands.10 tracks from each band.
POR 1.0:The Path to True Independence Cassette
Beyond Description,Totsugeki Sensya,Destruction,Asbestos.A compilation cassette that originally released in cd format by Forest Records,Japan.4 soulfull and intense japanese crust.Comes with front and back full colour sleeve.beyond Description delivers 4 intense metallic crust tracks.Asbestos comes with one track with long explanation about Medical exploitation in China which is good.Totsugeki Sensya comes with 4 raw distorted crust tracks.Destruction really awesome with one long epic crust.One totally inpiring track about worker's right.
POR 2.0 KERENA NEKO :demo 2006 cassette
This is their first demo cassette after split cd with Parkinson and Self Made God.12 tracks of fast and intense grindcore.Youll dig this if you like old dirty grindcore like ROT or agathocles.
Upcoming releases
Kerena neko(Malaysia)/Archagathus(Canada) split cd
Assasination(Sweden) "decivilize" MC
Cheap wholesale and Trades are welcome.punk/hardcore is more than music.lets get in touch! Thank you

My Interests


Member Since: 10/22/2006
Band Website: in the making
Sounds Like: pissed!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Distro List(January)

Distro List(January 2007)7"/10"/12"/LPUMMM/Hasrat-split-Rm12ppdUMMM is a Blasting powerviolence unit from canada.Hasrat is from Sabah(Malaysia) playing great and fast crustcore.Counterblast/Grace will...
Posted by Pissed Off Records on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST