Laura England profile picture

Laura England

Work hard, play hard!

About Me

2007 ALREADY!?!?! Time flies when you're having fun! sister just told me that I need to update my profile cause we're now in ' how often I seem to be checking my 'space' these days!

My Interests

Your space!


My best friend (who would have ever thought he would end up as my husband!) once shared his belief that there is a theme song appropriate for each moment of our lives. My life's soundtrack consists of many artists and genres. Wish I could wear an iPod 24-7 as I'm sure he would supply me with all the tunes I need. I never thought our soundtracks would be the same....that's crazy.


Oh geez....NETFLIX!! 'Nough said?


Tell me what is good and I'll order it on Netflix at the end of the season :-)


Now that I'm finished with grad school, I can listen to audiobooks while on the treadmill...that never worked well with textbooks!