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Star Belgrade


About Me

Star Belgrade - White Light Explosion

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Star Belgrade began in 2006 & have been championed by DJs & podcasters all across Europe. BBC’s, Steve Lamacq debuted their first ever demo, Ireland’s top indie DJ, Alison Curtis, described them as “brilliant” and Aligre FM playlisted them for an entire summer, previously unheard of on the influential French radio station.
And all this without having ever released a studio demo - let alone a record!
"It just goes to show you that you don't necessarily have to go into a big, expensive 24 track studio to make something that will grab people's attention... that track is a real grower."
- Steve Lamacq, BBC Radio 1
Downloaders have proved no less eager to embrace Star Belgrade's music. Since their emergence on MySpace & on the Irish music website,, their songs have been downloaded by over 50,000 listeners.
This, along with very favourable press reviews, has pushed Star Belgrade's music somewhere into the public's conscience, but according to their frontman, Mike Burrows, that's not what it's really about...
"I started the project to make the kind of music I wanted to hear.. there's absolutely no agenda behind it & I've never released any songs commercially.. - it's music purely for the sake of music. I don't sell CDs or MP3s... all the music's available as free downloads."
He continues to work along with long term collaborators, Paul McDonagh & The Dowling Brothers, as well as on-off pieces with producers such as Gizzy D, Barry T & Jay Sinkie. New recordings will be posted early this year .. "Once I get my laptop fixed", explains Mike... "I dropped the bastarding thing the other day & snapped off a piece of the motherboard... but if you can't wait that long, I'll make you a tape!!"
Bookings / Info / Tape Enquiries to [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 3/29/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Collaborators (Past, Present & Future);Mike Burrows, Paul McDonagh, Charlie Dowling, Richie D, Derek Burrows, Barry T, Gizzy D, Jay Sinkie, Binokular.
Influences: My Bloody Valentine, The Cure, Sonic Youth, Cocteau Twins, New Order, Orbital, Massive Attack, Radiohead, The Aloof, Arab Strap, PJ Harvey, Bjork, Squarepusher, Ian Brown, AR Kane, Aphex Twin, Thom Yorke, Bowie, Eno, Simple Minds, Sigur Ros, JAMC, U2, Interpol, Faithless, Autechre, Pixies, Harold Budd, Spacemen 3, Pavement, Slowdive, Velvet Underground, Songs Ohia, Beck etc., etc...

Sounds Like: made with the Cosmoedit Myspace Editor

Record Label: Hard Hit
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Writing, Performance & Production Credits

"Disconnection"Written by Mike Burrows, Charlie Dowling-Long, Paul McDonagh & Derek Burrows.Performed by Mike Burrows, Charlie Dowling-Long & Paul McDonagh.Produced, mixed & mastered by Ba...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 04:04:00 PST

Recent Music Awards

So, Avid Merrion from the Frames won the prize for 'most insipid acousticy shite since Damien Rice' at the Oscars. The Choice awards did the decent thing & gave Super Extra Bonus Party ¬10k. Odds...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:09:00 PST

Christmas Demos

Well, I managed to get some demos done over the holidays - but inbetween the recordings, the eating & all the drinking - I managed to break the motherboard on my laptop.. but I learned what a moth...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 07:55:00 PST

Jay Sinkie's "Disconnection" Instrumental Re-mix

Upcoming producer, Jay Sinkie, has remixed & produced a (mostly) instrumental version of Star Belgrade's demo of "Disconnection". You can listen to it at......'s curr...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:40:00 PST

Upcoming dates...

22 Jun 2007, Bastard! Party, Liege.B23 Jun 2007, Tropiscala, Overijse CANCELLED24 Jun 2007, Fete de la Musique, Clavier.B25 Jun 2007, SHOWCASE, Uccle, Brussels.27 Jun 2007, Café Video, Gent.30 Jun 200...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:40:00 PST

News Update

After a very busy year in 2006, we hit the studio at the start of this year with Paul Thomas (U2, Phil Lynott) & Gizzy D (of Analogue Mindfiled) at the helm. We came out with 4 tracks - "Disconnect", ...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Mon, 28 May 2007 02:59:00 PST

Star Belgrade Video

We've our first ever video up on our home page (click the "videos" tab under the profile picture)... the song, "White Light Explosion" was recorded live in Crawdaddy, Dublin in July 2006 & the vid...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 04:40:00 PST


Star Belgrade will be playing at the Irish Music Rights Organisation (IMRO) Showcase Tour 2007. Crawdaddy, Friday 23rd MarchStar BelgradeSub PlotsThe MinutesLPX...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:35:00 PST

MURPHY'S LIVE Dolans Warehouse, Limerick - FREE TICKETS

Star Belgrade are set to play Dolans on teh 15th Feb with Vesta Varro... It's a ticket only event & we have free tickets for anyone who's interested. All you gotta do is send us a message with you...
Posted by Star Belgrade on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 10:31:00 PST

Metro Gig Preview 13th Jan '06

Posted by Star Belgrade on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 02:40:00 PST