britt! any? profile picture

britt! any?

fix me please i dont want to be dead!

About Me

angry. happy. confusing. confused. loved. hated. bored. boring. psycho. drunk. sober. obsesive compulsive. traumatized. innocent. guilty as fuck. dotted. striped. all alone and crowed at the same time. painted. glued. ruined.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

© I got My Skulls Here xXx


the cramps, dead kennedys, rudimentary peni, subhumans, black flag, the clash, sonic youth, johnny thunders, descendants, the strokes, D.R.I ,middle class, the damned, adolescents, x, the germs, youth brigade, minor threat, 45 grave, aggression, D.I, wasted youth, bad brains, circle jerks, fear, T.S.O.L, agent orange, reagan youth, suicidal tendancies, SNFU, flipper, peter and the test tube babies, channel 3, the dead milkman, bauhaus,ima robot, plasmatics, P.I.L, sex pistols, sex gang children, too much...too lazy....


aqua teen hunger force, metalocalipse