What's up people. Yes I know I haven't updated my page in a while so look forward to some new pics and music coming soon. My name?....Ms.Nelson2U! July 1, 2008 you can check me out at www.msnelson2u.com! There are a few things about me that....well....maybe you should know. I am a proud auntie and godparent, I am in a relationship and finally, I don't like ...scratch that... I don't tolerate drama. I'm a cool laid back person who is focused on mental elevation. I am very in touch with who I am and where I came from. (meaning from the beginning of time people) And those who I call company are always focused and fixated on improvement. I'm on my way to the top, so don't foget the name MSNELSON2U and if you do forget......well...... you'll be reminded shortly!
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