Bones Bailey profile picture

Bones Bailey

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


THE DEATH HOUSE...a piece of my artwork

My Interests

Bone Art... DIY... Collecting Odd Junk... Reconstructed clothing... Inking my skin... Piercings... Blood... Collecting Bones... Dumpster Diving... Treasure Hunting... Black Holes... Mourning Practices... Scavenger Hunts... Mummies... Horror... Salivia... Side Shows... Guns... Homemade Wine... The Woods... Roads Leading Nowhere... Old houses... Tales of true life Zombies... Crusty people... Organic/Primitive Living... Composting/Organic Gardening... Evolution... History of the World... My Heritage (French/English/Native American)... Old Recordings... Vinyl... Turntablism... Graffiti Art... Gore... Real Punks... Bee Hives... Turn of the century motorcycles... Dice... Hillbilly Culture... Bellydancers... Snake Handlers... Corsets... Horses/Mules... Spaceships... Handlebar Mustaches... Dirt Roads... Beads... Mary Jane... Brass Knuckles... Roosters... Fire... Candles... Tarot Cards... Hair... Mother Nature... Shells... Plants... Honey... Natural History... Green Tea... Vintage Cars... Coins... Old Jewelry... Hats... Soap Making... Aromatherpy... Clothing of Time Periods/Vintage Clothing... Creepy/Folk Artwork... Flea Markets/Junk Stores... Traveling... Urban Legends... 19th century... Dark Nights... Full Moons... Caves... Forgotten Cemeteries... Dancing... Vegetarianism... Old Magazine Clippings... Old Fashion Baking/Cooking... Black & White Photography... Serial Killers... Decoupage... Irish Beer... Thrifting... Fishnets... the Supernatural... Painting Junk... Dark Chocolate... Voodoo culture... Fields... Herbs... Skulls... Belt Buckles... Lavender... Steel guitar... Swing... Wax... Old Nintendo... Dinosaurs... Old Bottles... Fortune Telling... Palm Reading... Victorian Hair Combs... Long Horned Cattle... Fleu de lis... Natural Beauty... the Wild West... Thunderstorms... Bigfoot... Ambrotypes... Daguerreotypes... Tintypes... Knives... Outlaws... Skeleton Keys... Barefeet... Hippies... Barns... Psychics... Masks... France... Camping... Spray Paint... Lighting... Hills... 1920's/30's Gangsters... Stencils... Dominos...

I'd like to meet:




Horror... Gore... Science Fiction... Black & White... Wierd/Strange Comedies... Serial Killers... Historical... Films based on true events...


Classic TV... History... Strange UFOs Documentaries... Cartoons...


Art... Medical... Psychology... Ink... Travel... Cooking... Organic Gardening... Recycling/Reuses... History... Science... Occult... Candles... Photography... Survivial Skills... Wildlife... Botany... Firearms... Serial Killers... Poetry... Space... Costumes...


"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."-Charles Darwin

My Blog

Kentucky Bigfoot Sightings...

Check this website out:
Posted by Bones Bailey on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:45:00 PST

Frugual Living...

CONFESSIONS OF A BOTTOM FEEDER by Anita Sands Hernandez [email protected] Many modern city dwellers who want to give their life over to painting or writing and work 8 hours a day at their belov...
Posted by Bones Bailey on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:50:00 PST