read, swing, watch tv (sports, soccer actually, movies adn series)be all day in internet
w/e!!! i lov pizza...actually all the italian food!..and chocolate know what i tray to say...i like everything! PD: (the food is only a joke....dont think im stupid...i try to say that i like all kind of person)
i love SIN BANDERA!...but i often ear and sing every kind of music cause i like it so mux music in general: reguetoon, rap, r&B, pop, dancehall, techno, merengue, cumbia, rock....
i dont have a favorite...but a i can say pirats of caribeean, infidelity, pearl harbor....u decide
series....gilmore girls, the oc, ER.....MTV, disney, E!........
harry potter lord of the rings la conspiracion angeles y demonios codigo da vinci narnia q le pasa a nicole el alquimista la historia delos judios casas muertas cien años d soledad doña barbara antologias cuentos...uds decidan yo lo tengo :d
Lady di..en esto momento no s em ocurre nadie emblematico...pero incluso podria decir walt Disney q creo una inancia nueva y demas...jajaja