Off to London! |
We will be in London on thursday and friday... we finaly decided to GO and we finally stuck with that decision... instead of that "yes! no... yes! no... yes!!! ahhh... better not" etc since Januari.We... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:21:00 PST |
R.I.P. Francis |
Robert and I are very said to hear that Francis has passed away. We knew he was seriously ill but we hoped and assumed he would recover.When we think of him we always smile cos he was ALWAYS laughing.... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:42:00 PST |
Chocolate and coffee weekend... and a GOOD one! |
It started thursday, when I felt really sad of homesickness (for Amsterdam) and asked myself "what is the coolest thing about Hasselt?"First thing that popped up in my brain was BOON, the ultra cool &... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:56:00 PST |
shaking off some dust here.... |
I cant understand why its TEN TIMES easier to book a flight to Iceland, then it is to plan a trip to Utrecht this sunday to meet my mom!!!Its official: I HATE the public bus transport in Flanders!!! (... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST |
:-) |
Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:02:00 PST |
alternative Fogerty Forum |
ck it out and spread the word !!!!... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:40:00 PST |
Fogerty Forum shuts down |
I was very shocked and sad to find out that the fab forum doesnt longer excist. I thought it was going pretty good lately. I hope there just building a new forum... like we have gone through before.So... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 04:02:00 PST |
cant say nothing about today! |
It was exactly TEN years ago today that we saw John and band at the Hovett in Stockholm! It was my 7th Fogerty gig and it changed my view on things in life for ever. I think from then on (also that to... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 03:55:00 PST |
new in the top list of stupid things... |
That happened to me during a rocknroll show: MY SCARF CAUGHT FIRE!!!!How did I do that: The venue was over crowed, and when I went to the bathroom I had to squeeze myself through the crowd... when I c... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:05:00 PST |
ok I’ve been buisy :-D |
As you see! Hij HAD mogen lachen! Misschien dacht ie wel.... afijn lees maar:Het heeft even geduurd maar eindelijk is t er dan toch van gekomen! Hij trad op het Centraal Station van Antwerpen op ... Posted by Miss Hoodoo on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 12:28:00 PST |