Sex, Drugs & rock 'n roll...pretty much takes care of it.
The Dalai Lama, Bono & just good people that make me laugh.
Rock, Jazz, Lounge, House, Classical, Folk, Hip hop, Funk & Soul
Anything by Quentin Tarantino...pure genius. The Life of Brian..'he's not the Messiah he's a very naughty boy'
CSI, Law & Order, Boston Legal, Chasers War on Everything, channel surf on foxtel & see just how much money I waste every month.
My Mum is a writer; 'Robin Bowles' check her out if you're into true crime.
The Anzacs & War Veterans as they went through some serious, heavy shit for us to enjoy the freedom we do. On the other hand, George Bush is an absolute tool, as are extremists of any kind.