I'm 36, Married to my best friend Robert for 17 wonderful years and have been togther for 20 years. We have two children. Michael who is 21 and Amber who is 14 going on 30,LOL. We have a Rottweiler who is 8 years old and her name is Princess. A guinea pig who we call "Miniature Rottweiler" because of her markings are like a Rottweiler.Her name is, "Buttercup". We also have three Parakeets. My Life is my family. I could not do it without my hard working husband who always supports me in everything I do. We will always be togther forever and always. He is my best Friend. We are now waiting for our
daughter to graduate so my honey and I can live our life and do things we could not do because we started a family at a young age.body, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important}
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