((<!!OiAuE!!))> profile picture


((...We tEnD To HoLd oNtO ThE ThInGs gOd tRiEs tO PulL Us aWaY FROm...))

About Me

♥Watz Good wit it, this is SIU'Z PAGE, but I'm ShLaYnA and here's an UpDaTe of MaH GiRL...she's MaH BesT FrieNd that I ride to die wit..LITERALLY!♥
"I gan read YOOOUUUU...! alrite LaMs..pling it down.."hahaha!
Her name's ♥Rose♥ if ur white, ♥Cee-U♥ if ur a MySpaCeR, ♥Siu♥ if ur PoLy
n "if u don't kno, now u kno."
♥She's a VoLLeYbaLL superSTAR, so "LOOK OUT"♥
HeR FaM is the Samoan GoRgEouS VersioN of the BraDy BuNcH♥
Her PoPs is the Laid BacK CooL Guy
n her MoMz is the PreTTy LadY runnin the HoUse.♥
Eki is HER OTHER HALF ((other than ME of course!LoLz!))
Jr. is the "completion"
Kopa is the oldest
MicHaeL, ELaiNe n AuRo r the "YouNg GeNeraTorZ" in trainin tryin to be like da "oLd GeNeraTorZ"
She'z 21 YeArz YouNg♥
DaNciNG is her PaSSioN"♥
She may LooK like a GiRLy GiRL..but trust, She can get down w/da BoYz in ANY SpOrT!!♥
She used to be a LoYaL *A.P.I.* MaNaGeR,
but now she HusTLez for CorPorAte AmeRica by day..n
((will soon be back to))hittin books@nite!♥
WeeKenDz usuaLLy consist of TiMe w/FaM n FriEndZ doin wateverz "LeGiT" nowadayz..foreoz tho guyz, "r we goin ice skatin foreoz?" LoLz!![Cuz if not, we're goin by our DaMn selves!]"♥
But u'LL most LiKeLy find HeR in the NeaResT HoLLisTeR StoRe..she's freakin aDDicTed!!♥
Oh n if she's EaTing..cuz SHE DOES EAT! u'll most likely catch her@Ono's Hawaiian BBQ((so take nts. boyz!))♥
OuR SuNdaYz r usuaLLy spent@ChuRch, cuz we're on ThaT GeT RIGHT, YAY! My FriEnDz aLmoSt goin to "BreAk FrEE" LoLz! ProuD of Ya GiRL!!♥
Other then that, ur goin to hav to hit her up n ask HER urseLf..ia ogay:P Luv 2 Luv Ya GiRL!!
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

♥If u reaLLy kno Siu, then u'll kno wat her interestz r...*hint* it's all mentioned in the 'About Me'..duh SiLLy dum dum bang bang ur dead!...but if u can pass this test..then ur a true FriEnd!...n if not, save urself da embarrassment!LoLz!!
Create your own Friend Quiz here

I'd like to meet:

♥She'D like to MeeT a guy w/GoaLz n AspIraTioNz n well..yeah, a LIFE=) N if u think gettin past her Bros. n DaD was HaRD... Wait til u get 2 ME!LoLz!...not kidding=)
But on reo, she'd like to meet Aaradhna..cuz she'z watz crackin if ya "didn't get the MeMo"!!"♥


She's a HUGE AaradHna FAN!! ♥
Ne IsLanD ArTisT will mosT likeLy get PLaYed ouT♥
We FreaKin Luv Rihanna!![Thanx 2 r RosAriToz experience!!]*hearts;
Basically nething w/a coo beat that she can jam to is ok in her BOOK.♥


Ne *ChiCk FLiCk* [believe it or not,] will do!!♥
*LauGhiNg SaMoaNs*!!♥
Grid Iron Gang!!♥
Guess Who?!!♥
50 First Dates!!♥
n too MaNy MoRe to NaMe!!!!♥


She aint got TiME 4 it..!LoLz!...get it??;P


OnLy when it'z necessary!..No ReaLLy!!..She don't do those!!haha!..."das y we make a dalk like dis.."


JESUS CHRIST..."Luff him..sus luff him"♥