♥If u reaLLy kno Siu, then u'll kno wat her interestz r...*hint* it's all mentioned in the 'About Me'..duh SiLLy dum dum bang bang ur dead!...but if u can pass this test..then ur a true FriEnd!...n if not, save urself da embarrassment!LoLz!!
Create your own Friend Quiz here
♥She'D like to MeeT a guy w/GoaLz n AspIraTioNz n well..yeah, a LIFE=) N if u think gettin past her Bros. n DaD was HaRD... Wait til u get 2 ME!LoLz!...not kidding=)♥
But on reo, she'd like to meet Aaradhna..cuz she'z watz crackin if ya "didn't get the MeMo"!!"♥
She's a HUGE AaradHna FAN!! ♥
Ne IsLanD ArTisT will mosT likeLy get PLaYed ouT♥
We FreaKin Luv Rihanna!![Thanx 2 r RosAriToz experience!!]*hearts;
Basically nething w/a coo beat that she can jam to is ok in her BOOK.♥
Ne *ChiCk FLiCk* [believe it or not,] will do!!♥
*LauGhiNg SaMoaNs*!!♥
Grid Iron Gang!!♥
Guess Who?!!♥
50 First Dates!!♥
n too MaNy MoRe to NaMe!!!!♥
She aint got TiME 4 it..!LoLz!...get it??;P
OnLy when it'z necessary!..No ReaLLy!!..She don't do those!!haha!..."das y we make a dalk like dis.."
JESUS CHRIST..."Luff him..sus luff him"♥