I work a lot. 4 out of 7 mornings I have a Mocha and/or a banana. I like to do research and am currently self teaching myself web-design.
I would like to meet the following in this order:2pac Elvis Santa Clause
Dizzee Rascal is the shit!! Check out his MySpace!
I like the Matrix Trilogy quite a bit. I would say The Lord of the Rings as well, but have not read the books. I have been told that the books and the films do not compare so I feel that until I read the books, I have not seen all there is to see.
I don't like television. I have a difficult time staying on task and as soon as I watch 5 minutes of something I am sitting there like a zombie for an hour!
Truth be told I am not much of a reader. I have been known to read stats from the sports page though. I read on the web A LOT.
You know what... I am not sure at this time if or if not I have a hero, if I had to choose now I would have to say that my hero is my Dad. He has taught me everything that I practice (not all that I know; I have had other influence) and I feel that I am headed in the right direction.