Kidogo Bo Bo was my name. Sunshine Hahn one of my orginal sevants named me that:I thought it meant something else but Sunshine just told me Kidogo Means enlightenment and I was just informed the title came quite as sortb of an order so I would stop hating on everthing. I was very big and I was the King of the cats wherever I went... many claim this title but I drew blood for it. Bo Bo is my Biko name ( Biko is a language from Biko Land thats where I am now.) I'm was eight years old.
I had two main servants whos' names are Brady and Jason. I met Jason at a house in Lake worth Florida where my orginal sevants had left me when they moved. I stayed there and didn,t miss them for eight months until Jason and Sunshine showed up. The land lady and other neighbors sometimes gave me chow and I kept myself entertained by fighting and stealing other animals food. When Jason and Sunshine showed up I didn't like them because i had stopped trusting humans and they had two other whimpy cat's. He didn't like me either we actually hated each other because this was my house first and he thought that when I came inside and fought the other cats that I was feral. the land lady finally clued him in on my back ground and finally he got around to giving me my own bowl of food so I didn't have to beat up the other fairy cats for theirs. Eventually I told him "We can Do this any way you like....It can be easy or painful." Like a good sevant he took me to the vets got me some shots and flea meds and slowly we warmed up to each other.
I gave up some of my freedom so I expected complete cooperation from everyone whenever I wan't anything, even if I wasn't sure what I wanted. I was fully domesticated, only fought for fun,and enjoy being loved on. I lived in Florida, Raleigh North Carolina and four differant homes in Nashville TN. jason Met Brady three years ago and he takes care of me most of the time when Jason is gone. Brady dosen't like me as much as Jason but I don't care as long as he gives me what I wan't. i have one sister Seresta, and My Brother Be Bop ran away about a year ago.I also live with an atrocias, obnoxious, hyper beast of a dog (Pomerainian) pominsanian named Bjalla or something. seresta likes her but I hate everything about her.
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