me. you. NICOLE BARDIS. stuff.
Every one from my travels in one big room. with balloons! Jean and John my golden oldies who saved me when I got sun burnt in Myrtle Beach love you jean! Bring on the drinks in the uber cool RV. Also Catherine Tate and Lindsey Lohan, Lindsey for different reasons.NO ONE ANYMORE...BECAUSE I MET NICOLE MARIE BARDIS!!! SHE'S KINDA A BIG DEAL! YAY
PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.comMotion city. I love every thing music is me, any one who knows me knows I love music, for me music is not for fashion you should like it because it brings out the best in you. Yeah I deep not just your average Nicole Bardis fan.
Robert’s birthday bender directed by Katie walker, the return to oz, The Goonies I was brought up on them films them wheelies were the scariest thing I have ever seen, but Kathleen look after me. Love you Nan. x
Catherine Tate Little Britain Friends.
'The boy called it'. anything by dan brown. and of course.
My mum and dad. And the most amazing woman in the world Kathleen Flynn most amazing woman in the world.