paper cup orchestra profile picture

paper cup orchestra

galloping atop the horse of fiery indecision

About Me

JOIN MY ARTISTIC COLLECTIVE. OR PERISH. please. or perish, please. i guess thats not so endearing an introduction. i wish to create an artistive collective that encompasses all artistic pursuits, that acts as a central hub of dialogue and cooperation for all involved. in this i imagine organizing of shows and festivals, networking artists for collaboration, a database of rehearsal spaces and studios, discounts for invovled members for other members events and services (as i figure one of the most important things for an artist is exposing themselves to what is going on in the world and as an opportunity for the magic of, thats right, networking/schmoozing) and if we go global on this puppy, some sort of system of organizing venues and tours and couches to sleep on. and, as i believe that all businesses/organizations should be run at a loss, i am willing to do this as a volunteer network. so please, the more people invovled the better the party, right? so message me on this bloody myspace thingy if you want to get invovled and we can get the proverbial ball proverbially rolling. mission statement achieved! next goal: prettier myspace worth looking at, design away! possibly next goal: better grammar and consistent capitalization.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2006
Band Members: Me! Karlo Margetic and Dam-Dam(ian) and Andrew Weeks and Takumi Motokawa and Michael "crushes hedgehogs with his bare hands!" Kingston ladies and gentlemen, and potentially anyone else! please join my orchestra. i'll give away exclamation marks to the first fifty subscribers!
Influences: 20 - 20,000 Hz, sine - noise.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


i'm pretty much blogging for posterity. and what a posterity it is. i would've much preferred it if my genre could've been experimuntal or experimantle-piece. in other news... i think the frets on my ...
Posted by paper cup orchestra on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 01:57:00 PST


apparently i start each new blog with apparently to make myself sound more casual. so lets not break with tradition. it seems that most of the things i am making at the moment are based upon some degr...
Posted by paper cup orchestra on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 01:10:00 PST


apparently the tea stains on my logo haven't turned out in the scan making look more not-made-by-a-chimp than it is. we'll have to try that one again.i should probably edit up the introduction with so...
Posted by paper cup orchestra on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:54:00 PST


Apparently, i can't put experimental/progressive and melodramatic popular song as my genres. i might just take me and my curly curly moustache to another pigeon-hole....
Posted by paper cup orchestra on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:00:00 PST