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Hempology 101

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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First semester has wrapped and the next class starts
Jan 10 Hemp History
17 Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
24 Economics of Legalization
30 Growing Cannabis
Feb 7 Cannabis Chemistry
14 Medical Cannabis Products
21 –break—
28 Cannabis and the Law
Mar 7 Social Impact of Prohibition
14 Pot in Politics
22 Medical Cannabis in Canada
29 History of Hempology 101
See you there!
Hempy Holy Days
We have the History of Hempology now on You Tube,
In 4 parts.
Here are the links.
Tx SeaOfGreen
Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJPGKw4Ybfw
Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh52ASRoCXM
Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppAahUPe6I0
Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grnwHI9yXos
Tx to Papapuff and Masterpayne for your help.
History Of Hempology
Added February 23, 2007
From seabc79
This is from a Lecture series,
at the University Of Victoria.
The lecture series, is about educating on
Cannabis and Hemp.
Category Entertainment
Part 2 of a 4 part
Part 3 or a 4 part
Part 4 of a 4 part
Nov 15th,3:30 PM/pst
The events begin at 12 noon
on Wednesday, Nov.15, 2006
at the Ministry of Health on Blanshard with a rally.
At 3:30 the lecture on the ‘Medical uses of Cannabis’
will be held in Room #061 of the Elliot Building at the University of Victoria.
It is free and open to the public.
The class is followed by
the weekly 420 meeting of the UVSS Hempology 101 Club.
Next is the silent art auction,
which ends at 6:30 pm at the CBC.
Finally we will play the game show
” Reach For The Pot” at 7pm at the Ministry of Health.
The City of Victoria is expected to officially proclaim
Nov 15 as International Medical Marijuana Day
for the fifth straight year in a row.
Thank you Mayor Lowe.
The Webcast is at 3:30 pm/pst
Everyone is welcome,

After years of preparation and court battles
we are ready to enter a new phase of activism.
The International Hempology 101 Society
and the University of Victoria Hempology 101 Club
are proud to present
a full year of Hempology 101 lectures at the University of Victoria
This lecture series will feature experts from the cannabis industry
and professors from the university
providing current information about cannabis and prohibition
to students and members of the public for free.
The Hempology 101 Club at U of Vic
is the largest student club on campus,
with over 300 members,
with the weekly 420 meetings
attracting about 100 people every week.
Last year was the 10th year of the Hempology 101 Club.
These lectures will be video taped and made available on hempology.com.
We will post the classes at the relevant sections of the textbook for Hempology 101.
Over the next year the textbook will be updated
and hopefully will be ready to go to print by spring next year.
Then we plan upon holding classes at
Simon Fraser University on Mondays,
UBC on Tuesday and U of Vic on Wednesdays.
This will allow us to record 3 lectures a week during the school year
to add to the webpage as we record the living history of the movement.
Our goal is to legalize cannabis by educating the public about the history,
uses and legal status of the herb.
We host an annual convention at the University of Victoria,
hold weekly meetings downtown, publish this newsletter,
maintain hempology.com and hold other events towards this end.
We call it participatory education in constant passive civil disobedience.
These classes will be taught by activist/author, Leon ‘Ted’ Smith,
with some support from special guest speakers.
Ted is the president of the International Hempology 101 Society
and has hosted over 1,000 rallies and meetings in over 11 years of activism.
In Jan 1996, Ted founded the first compassion club in Canada,
the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada.
The CBC of C is now the second largest medical club in the country,
with over 1,900 members,
and all staff have been acquitted from charges laid during 4 police raids on the store.
Ted has also been convicted for sharing a handful of joints on the university campus
in Nov 2000 and for a cookie giveaway that occurred the same month.
The lecture series will be based upon the Hempology 101 Textbook
that Ted wrote, which is available on-line at hempology.com
and will hopefully be available for sale in stores next year.
A broad range of subjects will be discussed,
from the history of prohibition to the current hemp industry.
For each class a prepared handout will highlight reference materials
that students can use for research.
Last year the UVSS Hempology 101 Club was the largest student club on campus,
with over 300 members.
This years annual cannabis convention will happen on Feb 11, 2007,
somewhere on campus.
Sept 13 Cannabis B.C. (Before Christ)
20 History of Prohibition
27 Cannabis Around the World
Oct 4 Hemp Seeds + Other Products
11 Cannabis Research
18 Cannabis and Your Health
25 Families and the War On Drugs
Nov 1 Cannabis and the Media
8 –break—
15 Medical Uses of Cannabis
22 Health Canada and the MMAR
29 History of the Cannabis Buyers Club
Jan 10 Hemp History
17 Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
24 Economics of Legalization
30 Growing Cannabis
Feb 7 Cannabis Chemistry
14 Medical Cannabis Products
21 –break—
28 Cannabis and the Law
Mar 7 Social Impact of Prohibition
14 Pot in Politics
22 Medical Cannabis in Canada
29 History of Hempology 101
Victoria, B.C.:
For the first time ever, a free lecture series
is being offered at the University of Victoria by the UVSS Hempology 101 Club.
The class will start at 3:30 every Weds in Room #062 of the Elliot Building
and will end just after 4 pm so that everyone can get to the 420.
The classes are free and open to the public.
The Live Webcasts of lectures are available at:
Some of Sea’s photos are at:
http://ca.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/seabc79/album?.dir=e167scd& amp;.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//ca.pg. photos.yahoo.com/ph/seabc79/my_photos
The Hempology website:
Here’s some text from the History of Cannabis Classes
The history of the cannabis plant is as old as the story of human civilization.
The plant has probably been used by our ancestors for religious purposes
and as a source of protein for millions of years.
About one million years ago the capacity to control fire was developed
by pre-humans and one can assume that within a few hundred thousand years
almost every plant available had been burned in a campfire or cave.
As humans began forming larger groups,
the ability to collect hemp seed and store it for years gave them control
over a source of protein that could keep them alive through harsh winters.
In his book, The Dragons Of Eden, Carl Sagan suggests that cannabis
was the first domestic crop grown by humans almost 12,000 years ago.
One plant would have provided food, oil, fiber for rope and cloth,
and was eaten or inhaled for religious and medical purposes.
A popular ancient method of ingesting cannabis
was to cook it in milk and add honey
for sweetener to produce what is commonly known as bhang.
Hemp fibers were found in some 10,000 year old pottery found in Taiwan,
probably to help strengthen the clay.
The Chinese have long considered their country the ‘land of mulberry and hemp’.
The oldest paper in the world is hemp paper from China.
The Chinese were using cannabis as medicine before the 28th century
and later began making clothing from it because the dwindling animal population
could not produce enough fur for the growing human civilization.
Early Chinese healers used to wrap a dead snake around a hemp stalk,
or carve the image of a snake on a hemp stalk,
and would beat it around the bed of a sick person to ward off evil spirits.
Ancient Japanese people used hemp for seed, cloth and healing.
India and Pakistan have been excellent sources of hashish since the beginning of time.
India has never prohibited the growing or use of cannabis.
The Egyptians pharaohs were also cannabis consumers,
burning hash in elaborate incense chambers at almost every ceremony.
A cone of hash was made which was placed upon the top of the heads of
entertainers and guests at various functions, including parties and funerals.
The Assyrians were another civilization that grew cannabis
which they worshipped as the Tree of Life.
The Sumerians also used hash in their homes.
Many believe that The Bible is full of references to cannabis
from the Tree of Life to the ‘old vinegar’ that was placed on the lips of Jesus
before he died.
Moses was taught how to make an anointing oil, which may have contained cannabis.
The ‘burning bush’ was likely a hash plant that helped Moses talk to God.
After all, God gave man all seed bearing herbs.
This anointing oil and hash incense were used by the Hebrew people until 621 B.C.
when King Josiah declared that using anointing oil and burning incense
was prohibited except in the worship of Jahweh.
Though this original prohibition contained in the ‘Book Of Law’
only lasted a few years,
it was used in 325 by the newly formed Roman Catholic Church
to justify abolishing the use of cannabis or any other plant for healing.
This anointing oil was openly used by Jesus to ‘heal the lepers’,
an act for which he was condemned.
However, during his time the burning of hash incense in the worship of various gods
and goddesses of every known civilization was quite popular.
Most citizens not living in poverty would burn incense in their homes and places of
worship throughout the known world at the time.
http://www.hempembassy.net/nimbinmardigrass.com/2004/history .htm
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/papers/2003%20AUA%20CannabisPo ster.pdf
http://www.potshotzine.com/showzine.php?cmd=showtoc&val1 =18
http://www.shee-eire.com/Misc/Articles/EygyptianHemp/hemp1.h tm
U Vic Hempology 4:20 Club Offers Support
We received these 2 letters
after sending good wishes to 2 of our more prominent warriors.
To my hempen friends,
I get my mail slipped under the door each day before 6:30 A.M. This morning I received
your “package”. I am very touched by all your thoughts and prayers for me.
I have stood proud through all of this so it means so much for me to know there are so
many people who stand beside me. Thank you all. We will rise above.
In the jail here everyone has a job. My job is researching issues relating to the
incarceration of women. I just completed my first project, cannabis prohibition. I put in a
PowerPoint presentation and on Oct. 13, Ill show it to all the other inmates and many
people who are coming in from other organizations that deal with women’s issues.
It was really cool to read your pamphlet for the CBCoC. I put much of the information
into PowerPoint and I will see if I can send you a copy.
I am very proud of all of you. It does my heart good to knowing you are on this path with
me. I will show your pamphlets to as many people as I can in here. Maybe someone who
needs help will find their way to you. Keep up your amazing efforts- you are all needed.
Peace on Pot
Carol Gwilt
Oct 03/06
To everyone at the U Vic Hempology101 Society. There is almost nothing I can do to
that would truly express the utter gratitude and thankfulness I feel for your sincere
gesture and I am very grateful.
Dini, W.D., Lise, David, J.W., Smashly, Josie, Edit, Rob, Chellie, Dustin, Chalms, Steve
and all those names I couldn’t read. Of course, the Buzz Bunny and T. Mancini. Thank
you for taking the time to send your warm, bright words of encouragement. In my darkest
hours I commend each of you.
More and more I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of the cannabis culture and how we
are having a profound impact towards liberty and justice beyond what we can
immediately see.
I have no fear about the future. I have no real despair about the challenges we must
overcome before we reach the goal of freedom. Up in Smoke and the Hamilton Hash
Mob’s spirit continues to survive in Ontario. When I’m released “Still Smoking” will
open in a more tolerant and normalized society to force the issue once again.
My heart and mind are filled with thoughts and prayers for each and every one of you
hemp soldiers on the “ Left Coast”, and please know your “right” is still working harder
than ever. I’m proud of everything I did and will always fight these unjust laws until they
are repealed. It is truly inspiring to know I have such strong and noble support.
Thanks again!
Peace and Respect
Chris Goodwin 420 loud and proud

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History Of Cannabis Buyers Club in four parts

Hempology101 from YouTube Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJPGKw4Ybfw February 23, 2007 From  seabc79 This is from a Lecture series, at the University Of Victoria. The lecture series, is...
Posted by Hempology 101 on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:33:00 PST

from the university calender

  http://events.uvic.ca/calendar.php?type=day&calendar=1&a mp;day=01&month=11&year=2006   FREE lecture series at UVic offered by UVSS Hempology 101 Club. Classes are every Wednes...
Posted by Hempology 101 on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST

OCT25th,3:30pst Hempology 101

OCT25th,3:30pst HEMPOLOGY UVIC, WEBCAST,       #1310906 - Tue Oct 24 2006 10:46 PM        Peace   This week's lecture is on Cannabis...
Posted by Hempology 101 on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:14:00 PST

Hempology 101

  Peace   As it was the 6th lesson, Cannabis and Health. This is the first week, of some real BC shroom weather.  Walking through campus,  was a moment, I thought, might skip c...
Posted by Hempology 101 on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST