amazing moments, animals, arts & crafts, autumn, beauty, books, cameras, candles, christmas lights, chuck palahniuk, color, computers, creating, decorating, dogs, dreams, faeries, faerietales, falling leaves, feeling, fish tanks, francesca lia block, friends, green, hampsters, intellectual intercourse, j.k. rowling, lakes, love, moonlight, movies, nature, open-minds, painting, pajama pants, photography, photos, rabbits, rain, rats, reading, shooting stars, spirituality, spring, tamora pierce, the first snowfall, the ocean, thunder, thunderstorms, trees, video games, writing, tattoos, piercings, oddness, life, feeling infinite, cuddles
Someone who will be amazed at the beauty of
spring, walk at the ocean at night during
summer & lay in the grass barefoot,
crunch through leaves and pick apples in the fall,
and walk through silent snow storms at midnight
and drink hot chocolate with me.
& someone that can care for anything & mean it.
you can look at that
picture all you want to
but i am so much more
than what you see.
Everything. Really.
Comedy, Romance, Drama, Action, Weird :)
Firefly, Doug, Family Guy, Tattoo Shows, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs. But really, I don't watch that much TV
I read books like I breathe air.