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Born Michael Cunningham in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on October 2, 1984, he was raised by his mother, he also has 3 sisters and 1 brother .Being the type of child that was always into trouble he had to find his way in a life that was not fit for most youth. Growing up he felt an infatuation towards the lifestyle of the Gang'sta in his area. He addopted there ways and made a name for himself around the streets although he kno the things he was doing were wrong it was the only thing he knew and seen throughout his younger years so he thought it was the right thing to do.Leaving home by the age of 10 he never knew what this cold world had to offer but had no choice but to take on what ever task was put in front of him from sleepin in friends closet's to sleeping on the streets bouncing from house to house family member to family member so you could say he had the kind of childhood that was hard at times but he made it through the rainy days and cold nights to tell you his story .Now going By Redrum AKa :The Don- He is all about making Muzik to give back to the People and to try and make a difference in the world feeling the pain of the poor and unfortionite he want's to help out where the help is needed he wants to start many projects for the youth being a a father himself of 2 kids ...Trying to get rid of negative aspect in his life and eventually bring together the Artis With his focus redirected into positive Muzik .Redrum brings a new energy and soul to Canadian hip-hop by opening awareness of the vast talent's. He speaks the truth from his life experiences .The only thing that can stop Redrum on his rise to fame is God himself. redrum.jpgMyspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Hot Graphics