My main interest is basketball i think that is the only thing that calms me down when im mad or jus bored its jus something about it. Next is the ladies i love to take the ladies out and show em a good time and then let them show me a good time lol. I love to go out and jus go crazy and have fun. Download Mixtape | Provided by
I would love to meet dirk nowitzki to me he is one of the greatest players in the game who can be 7'1 and shoot the ball like he does but tough luck for them last year but this year its the year of the mavericks.I would love to get the chance to meet shakira because i would love to see if her hips dont lie, i know they wouldnt lie to me if ya know what i mean. Finally i would love to meet Hugh Hefner jus so i could go spend the night with him but not be with him jus those bunnys hopping around but they wont be hopping no more lol.
nothing is better than rap music a little lil wayne,young jeezy,young dro,rick ross there really aint nothing better than it i also listen to a little rock but hardly any country but thas jus me.
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Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 18
Birthplace charlotte nc
Current Location the a-town
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color baby blue
Height 6..'4
Your fears spiders
Your weakness dont really have one
Goal for today make it through this day of school
Goal for this year graduate and be done wid it
Lifetime goal stay healthy and keep ballin
When do you want to get married? when i find da right person
and to whom? dont know
Ever been in love? yea to many times
Currently in love? no
Do you think you are attractive? people say i am
Your best physical feature tall the ladies like it and sense of humor
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... hell no
gone skinny dipping... hell yea who hasnt
been beaten up... no
wanted to kill someone... not really
gone a week without MySpace... no
gone a week without TV... nope
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... amanda hall on da cheek
say hi to you... my bro
talk to you... my cuz william
What's the last...
Time you cried? when i bout broke my ankle
Book you've read? -laughs-
Store you've been in? abc store
Can you...
Dance? duh
Speak a differenty language? no
Cook? yea
Write w/ both hands? no
Whistle? yea a little bit
Finish the line...
If I had a... million dollars
I would but my mom a house
So I can pay my thx back to her
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My main movie is coach carter & love and basketball i love sports movies and comidies and horror thas basically it my favorite actors are jim carrey, the jackass crew,martin lawrence,and chris tucker.
Lil Wayne Freestyle
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i only watch spoorts center and espn news other than that im not home cause im out with the boys playing ball or talking to some beutiful gurl. the greatest player alive
to be honest ive only read sports illustrated and hooters magazine and a tar heel magazine thas about it.
Foxx, Lil Boosie, and Webbie- Wipe Me Down (Remix)
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My mom for being there for me showing me the way and pushing me towards my basketball dream and i just wont to take time to thank her and say i love you mom.
How To Crank Dat Soulja Boy
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