I write my own orgional poetry. I'm an excellent cook, I love to read. I enjot meeting new and interesting people. Of course I enjoy sex. I love music, yv, movies, and theatre.
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SPRINGBright sunshine illuminates the day;
Fighting back eternal night
Holding the world in its warm embrace
Light rains falling upon the earth;
Bringing with them rebirth
Flower blossoms sweetly scent the air
Gentle winds stir the grass
Butterflies and ladybugs are out to play
Birds sing songs of joy and praise
Awake from your slumber mighty Guiana
Celebrate for spring appears once more
Let's see the perfect man. Of course he doesn't exist but I'll try to describe him anyway. I'm looking for my soul mate a man who can complete me. He has to have a great sense of humor. We must be connected mind, body, heart, and soul. Some one who can keep up with me challenge me. He must be intelligent, compassionate, charming, and seductive. He must be dependable, reliable, trusting, trustworthy, caring, adventuresome, and kind hearted. He has to be a man of his word and mean what he says as well as say what he means.
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I’m in a mood to play with a guy with nice long sexy hair. It is one of my fetishes. I used to contact guys using longhairedmen.com before they shut down and am so happy to see they are relaunching. Don’t worry though as long as you are well built well hung and know how to please a woman it is all good. I’m very open minded and kinky. The only race that matters to me is the human race so if you crave white meat I’m the one for you. Love anal oral foot titty fucking multiple men karma sutra the whole nine yards. I’m your every wet dream and fantasy rolled up into one and more made flesh.Preferably tall, well built, extremely well endowed, a passionate lover, and a wild fuck, with either long or very short dark hair, smooth shaven or goatee or even a soul patch. However inner beauty outweighs the physical.
You Are A Good Friend
You're always willing to listen
Or lend a shoulder to cry on
You're there through thick and thin
Many people consider you their "best friend"!
What Kind of Friend Are You?By the way I’m also seeking very generous and giving men to spoil me. I just want you to know more about me. For the record I'm not for sale. I get insulted when people ask me how much I charge. No amount of money or gift will make me sleep with some one I don't feel an attraction to or a desire t be intimate with. I am working hard trying to improve my situation. If some one decides to help me out it should be out of the kindness of their heart. Just don't expect anything more than a heartfelt thank you and willingness to pay you back. Like that movie with Helen Hunt and Hailey Joe Osmond, Play it Forward.
You Have Fantastic Karma
You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person.
And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already.
But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway.
You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that!
How's Your Karma?Don’t think I’m a gold digger. I actually have two jobs. I am currently working in the food service industry. The job sucks but with the current economy beggars can't be choosers. I just started a second part time job as a phone "actress". I am still waiting to see what kind of money I can make at it.I am fun loving, adventuresome, and always looking for a good time. I need a guy that isn't possessive or jealous. I deserve a man who is proud to have me on his arm and in his bed. I am college educated but am working a dead end job at the moment. Total package mind body heart and soul your every wet dream fantasy and prayer rolled up into one it only gets better in the flesh believe me I am absolute perfection.
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I'm just looking for the 3 Fs fun, fucking, and friendship anything more is gravy. I need a guy that will not get upset that my initial reply is not going to be personal and will likely be a prewritten e-mail. I am just trying to make the most of my time. If you actually read what I wrote you might be surprised what you find out about me. Once you actually read and reply to the more generic e-mails then we can start to get more personal.I’m also into bisexual guys because they are more willing to experiment and love multiple men. Women don’t interest me at all. I am strictly into men the more the merrier.
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Listen to about everything but Heavy Metal, Rap, and Gospel. I was raised country but got into alternative in college. I really wnjoy female singers. Reba, faith hill, and Alanis are my top three all time favorites.
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Favorite movie growing up was Goonies as an Adult it is 6th sense. I am a total horror junkie. I love a cheesy slasher flick. Freddy Kruger is my all time favorite.
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I am addicted to reality TV. I also enjot Smallville, Lost, and Super Natural.
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A good muder mystery or horror. LOVE Steven King!!!! I have read Lillian Jackson Braun's entire Cat Who series of books.
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My mother would have to be my personal hero.click here
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