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Im from Leeds, born and bred and work full time in retail.
Im an easy going kind of person and get along with most people, but I dont suffer fools gladly and I have absolutley no patience with rude people, people with no manners or social graces and stupid people. That said, I very rarely lose my temper.
I love shopping and if I didnt watch myself, I could easily have a shopping 'problem'. Thing is, if I want something, I want it yesterday.
Patience is not one of my virtues in that area, or with afore mentioned people. Children and people who are trying to learn something new, I have all the patience in the world for and I will help anyone.
Im quite a paranoid person and worry a lot and in my opinion, I have an OCD with security in general. Security of my own belongings (I constantly check to see if my bag is fastened, do I have my keys etc, even though I KNOW I do) and security as in locking the door etc. I will check and re-check and then get someone else to confirm it for me. I just dont believe what Im seeing with my own eyes.
I cant swim and will never learn. One of my biggest fears is finding myself in the middle of the sea and something huge surfacing underneath me, a whale, a sub, anything.
I have a phobia of moths and butterflies, I know they dont sting but I despise the way they fly and the way they look.
As a child I used to have a recurring dream that I could fly. I used to have the same dream on most nights and it invloved me standing at the top of the stairs, putting my arms out to the side and falling forward and I flew to the bottom and I swear to this day, I KNOW how it feels to fly. Bizzarely, my twin sister used to have the very same dream.
Speaking of which, me and my sister are identical twins and we love it and are extremely close but it still amazes me the amount of people who stare.
I have a beautiful older sister who Im also extremely close to, who is the best mum in the world to my gorgeous and amazing niece and nephew!
My family are basically my world and I couldnt cope without them always near me.
I have a huge amount of faith and am a firm believer in fate.
Claire (Shmoo!) is my closest friend and I cant imagine life without her in it now. She is like an extra sister to me. My family have basically adopted her as one of our own!
I love life, am quite immature in a lot of ways (but that's a good thing I think ;D)
I do get very easily obsessed with things, my friends will confirm this.
I like anything paranormal and spiritual.
I cant walk out of the house without my eyeliner on and tattoos are another obsession of mine.
I would like to think that if you do right by others, you wont go too far wrong in your own life.
Also want to say that my sister Kay makes the best videos ever!
You Make Me Sick - Egypt Central Concert
.. - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures