I'm a writer of the NIGHT HUNTRESS urban fantasy romance series featuring half-vampire heroine Cat Crawfield. If you like vampire novels, check out my website for book summaries, first chapters, creature guide, and more information.
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Confessions: I swear like it's a cure for all that ails me. It's a good thing I don't have children, or their first word would probably be a four-letter one. I can't drink because I get drunk immediately. I am an avid animal lover. If I had more willpower, I'd be a vegetarian, but for now that's filed under 'future goals'. I'm married and happy about it.
Blurbs: All requests for reading novels for blurb purposes must go through my agent, Nancy Yost at Lowenstein-Yost. No exceptions.
Note: I delete all comments that are solely business advertisements and block the users who post them. My blog isn't free add space, so don't treat it as such.
Just released:
AT GRAVE'S END, book three in the Night Huntress series. New York Times and USA Today bestseller.
Coming Soon:
FOUR DUKES AND A DEVIL, anthology, June 30th, 2009.
UNBOUND, anthology with Kim Harrison, Melissa Marr, Vicki Pettersson, and Jocelynn Drake, August 25th, 2009.
DESTINED FOR AN EARLY GRAVE, book four in the Night Huntress series, July 28th, 2009
FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON, Night Huntress WORLD, book one, untitled, release date pending.
Night Huntress WORLD, book two, untitled, release date pending.
Night Huntress, book five, untitled, release date pending.
Night Huntress, book six, untitled, release date pending.
Night Huntress, book seven, untitled, release date pending.<
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At Grave's End