Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 profile picture

Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08

Redemption and second chances is the right for all beings willing to seek its guidance.

About Me

NAME:Sabreonyx ALLIEGANCE:Neutral, former Decepticon. Newly Formed Redemptibot. FUNCTION:Defender ALT. MODE:Cybertronian Dire Wolf WEAPON:Energon Sword and ShieldSPECIAL ABILITY: Hunting and Tracking abilities. HEIGHT:20 in Robotic form/ 10 in Dire Wolf form.Quote: "Redemption and second chances is the right for all beings willing to seek it."STRENGTH:8 INTELLIGENCE:5 DEXTERITY:7 ENDURANCE:8 SPEED:5 COURAGE:10 FIRE POWER:5 ACCURACY:5 MELEE:7 TECH SKILLS:3 CHARISMA:5RANK:0PROFILE: Originated from the outlands of Cybertron, Sabreonyx lived amongst himself where he hunted freely. Until laborers were destorying the lands that he believed was sacred to him. So he defended the outlands violently, but according to his personal code of ethics, he swore to never use his abilites to kill those that try to harm him or his lands. He would let them go if they promised to leave without coming back. Several days later, he managed to escape to patroling raids that were trying to capture him. While doing so he discovered a lone femme bot traveling to the outlands. While keeping an eye on her activities, she was attacked by some Cybertronian bandits lurking near by. With a quick leap infront of the bandits, he let out a terrifying snarl at them. After that the bandits ran off. He revealed himself to her and the two fell in love with each other. Several centuries later, the femme bot, Rosa told him that she was going to visit some close friends of her's in Draxia. When she left he realised this. It was several centuries later that she never returned to Cybertron. So he decided to locate and find her whereabouts . But a nearby collision with an astroid caused him to crash land in to a planet called, Earth, his shuddle landed in the area of Kristiansund, Norway . After he was accidently discovered by Megatron, he was offered a chance to join them and they would do everything in their power to find her. ( Which isn't true.) After finding his beloved, Rosa's lifeless body impaled on " the Wall" called by, the Praxians, a xenophobic race of robots. He witnessed to the changed within his own spark, even, expressing his beliefs towards Megatron. He decided to free Sabreonyx from his original oaths. He sat to his newly risen faith and currently trying to add others to his cause of peace and tranquility, called the faction the Redemptibots, working in order unite all Autobots and Decepticons...till all are one.ABILITIES: Most of his major beneificial abilities in his tracking and hunting abilities. Though he does have some intelligance, he is more cunning than intelligant. His physical attributes such as Strength, Dexterity, Courage, and Melee skills is all he relies on, he does know about fire arms but his doesn't trust them. He also carries with him a personal code of honor amongst him, which doesn't please Megatron, including Starscream at all.WEAKNESS:His personal code of honor tends to have others question his mentality. He carries a amulet of Rosa, which he tends to keep to himself and has serious of issues of depression, remorse, and regret. Once he loses the amulet or if someone takes it away from him. He tends to plead with whoever posesses it in their grip. He deeply longs for his femme bot girlfriend, Rosa. * He is truely a tragic character. I also took the liberty to edit his powers/abilities so it wouldn't look like he's a mary-sue type character. *Sabreonyx, but imagine him with Gray and with black his helmet, gray face, black on his arms and legs, with white on the nuckles, fingers, and under his feet,aswell.

My Interests

Defending anything or anyone that peeks my interest. Some others, who don;t understand me do have a problem with a my personal code of ethics.

I'd like to meet:

Rosa, my dear femmebot. All Autobots and Decepticons.


I was unaware that these humans have such an interesting taste in music. I'm atoned by the classical and opera music,aswell, as the music from the 1980's and some of todays alternative music.


Transformers:The Movie (1986) and Transformers:The Movie:2007. I also like some action and comedy movies from time to time.


Transformers tv series, The Simpsons, Futurerama, Family Guy, Scrubs, and anything else that peeks my interest.


" A Viking's Hall." Henrik Hergeland 1830.Pent in a western valley's fold, Like a berserk hemmed by foes, A timbered hall did, in days of old, Its sombre length expose...A sail in the corner moulders grey; Keen bills in the beams bite fast: The flickering flame in a fitful ray From shields in the loft of is cast.And bows from hooks in the wainscot hung Their writhen arms spread wide; With bundles of arrows, and cordage strung From bear-gut and sinew dried.Forth two gods, at the table's end. Flash out as the pine-logs flare: Thor and Odin their persence lend To hollow the master's chair....


Megatron if the only a way to make him see the errors of his ways. I have also seen the heroic sacrifices that the Autobot Leader, Optimus Prime has made before.

My Blog

This has been said before and regards to the Sparkling Issue.

This is quite simple, you roleplay with someone you don't like or do not agree with, then don't roleplay with them. How difficult is that ? But no you want to argue and flame, bash, blacklist, and sla...
Posted by Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 05:39:00 PST

Attention to those of Cybertron and of Earth. This is my batte cry.

* A video screen of Sabreonyx shows up before all the monitors on Cybertron and on Earth for all to see.* " Do forgive to urgent interuption with my very own well being. I do enjoy to idea for free wi...
Posted by Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 04:30:00 PST

Judge not less ye be judged.

I normally don't do this, I consider myself a nice and generous guy when it comes down to it, but even my good will goes only so far. Well, guess what, folks, someone decided to call down Thor's thund...
Posted by Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 03:22:00 PST

Destination Uncertain series...RP only.

Sabreonyx arrived to Earth for the second time, he felt that his time to help rebuild his former home planet Cybertron went on long enough and it was time for Starscream and others to help rebuild the...
Posted by Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:03:00 PST

Transformers: Broken Promises ( Finally it is completed)

Transformers: Broken Promises By: Kyle Stevens ( Sabreonyx) Somewhere deep into the planet, Earth's Pacific Ocean there is an undersea base that belonged to a ruthless, chaotic race of robots called,...
Posted by Sabreonyx - RIP Maggie 8/1/90-8/17/08 on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:12:00 PST