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Bishop Bright is the Senoir Pastor of Triumphant Life Community Church, Trenton, NJ and the Presiding Bishop/Apostle of Faith Tabernacle Outreach Ministries (FTOM), a coalition of Covenant Pastors and Ministry Leaders that recognize the need for covenant fathering and fellowship. He is the the Founder and former Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle Church, Plainfield,NJ. Bishop Bright graduated from the Institute of Bible Studies; he earned a Bachelor Degree in Christian Education and Masters in Ministry both from Andersonville Baptist Seminary, a Doctor of Religious Philosophy from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary and an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Shiloh Theological Seminary. Bishop Bright serves on community boards and committees, he is the CEO of Bright Light Community Services, a member of the United States Chaplains Association, currently the Chaplain for Plainfield Police Department, serves on the Executive committee of the Concern Urban Clergy of Plainfield and vicinity and serves on the Board of Regents of Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary. Bishop Bright is a member of The Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops’ Congress and the International Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCCC). Bishop Bright is a past member of the Plainfield Public Board of Education. Bishop Herbert Bright is a native of Shelbyville, TN and served in the United States Army. Bishop Bright was ordained as an Elder in the Church of God In Christ in the Third Jurisdiction of Illinois. He served as the youth pastor at Faith Tabernacle Church of God In Christ, Zion, IL. In 1975 he founded Faith Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, Inc., Plainfield, NJ and in 1978 the church name was changed to Faith Tabernacle Church, Inc., a non-denominational church. Bishop Bright is married to Lady Dzifa Bright and is the father of three sons and three daughters and he has ten grandsons and two granddaughters.

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