Knitting, cooking and baking, jigsaw puzzles, other puzzles esp. crosswords, Sudoku and Futoshiki. I'm trying to get into Kakuro, but I unfortunately don't have great skills at adding up in my head.I'm also a total lush.
People who find this as funny as I do.
Old country rock please. Or David Bowie. Or the Velvet Underground. Um, wouldn't say no to a bit of Girls Aloud. Stevie Wonder, OCCASIONAL bits of Elton John. British Sea Power, The Tenderfoot, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, oh lots, I can't be bothered thinking about it. I am however currently addicted to Dr. Dog's "Takers and Leavers" EP. And always will be, it seems
Rocky Horror. Chick flicks. Stuff with Jack Nicholson in. He looks like my dad, or maybe the other way around..?
CSI; CSI:NY; CSI:MIAMI; Neighbours; University Challenge; Family Guy; Curb Your Enthusiasm; QI; Buffy; Countdown; Futurama; Frasier; oh, and I can never quite rid myself of my love for Friends.
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Jonathan Coe - What a Carve Up!
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
Kurt Vonnegut - The Sirens of Titan
Iain Banks - The Wasp Factory
Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Homer - The Iliad
Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials trilogy
JRR Tolkein - The Hobbit
George Orwell - 1984
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
Reference books esp. the Oxford Classical Dictionary and atlases/maps of any kind.