Brooke the Cheery[S&L]waiting all my life profile picture

Brooke the Cheery[S&L]waiting all my life

Brooke Davis is The Cheery

About Me

Im Brooke Davis and Im coming from Tree Hill, North carolina and there im going to the Tree Hill High. At this school im Captain of the THHS cheerleading squad and student council president. I love cheerleading with my two best friends and my Ladies Peyton Sawyer and Haley James. Together we love to go shopping, cheerleading, the beach, watch Movies and talkin about Boys!We making lots of crazy things together so we were in Jail but not for long! When we hanging out we mostly going to the Beach or shopping in the mall! I love to go shopping. When Im shopping im the happiest Person ever!
In Tree Hill i met the Scott Brothers too!! Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott. With Lucas i was together for a while but we broke up but we are still Friends! With them I sometimes play Basketball. I cant really play it but often they teach me. I was together with Nathan Scott but then he broke up with me because he thought i cheated on him but i didnt! well i move on now!! With them both i cant really go shopping! come on they are guys but it's cool to talk to them or watchin movies with them.

My Interests

My Blog

[My Sweethearts]

Boyfriend: Taken [Love you Nate] Lucas: Peyton: Nathan: Haley:
Posted by Brooke the Cheery[S&L]waiting all my life on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:27:00 PST