*teaching my daughter about life/letting her teach me *music *concerts *festivals *traveling *road trips of any kind *laughing/giggling *being funny, random, dorky, thoughtful, clumsy, kind, silly *being socially conscious *politics (of the left-leaning variety, please) *ice cream cones *making mix cd's for people (want one? just ask! i'd love to...) *trying not to kill my herbs and flowers *tollerance and acceptence *children *sharing (of ideas, laughter, moments, experiences) *summertime *rain/storms *painting *accumulating more live shows on disk than i'll ever have room for or get completely organized *sewing *art *beadwork *poetry *photography *making new friends *keeping the old *running with my ipod *dancing around my house *musicals *candles *posessing finely-tuned intuition *nag champa *reducing and reusing *summer *beach glass *antique stores *the moon *campfires *Tibetean culture (thank you my saturday friend!) *writing *agate hunting *picking up trash *listening *reading *learning............"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'd like to meet:
Ann Coulter, she's like, my IDOL..hahaha...Bobby Weir of course, John Perry Barlow, David Bowie, David Byrne, Angelina Jolie, Levon Helm, Sean Penn, Neil Young, Steve Earle, Bill Walton, Gloria Steinam, Luke Walton, SORELLA, ..hhhhmmm..
oh and does dead or alive matter? if no then let me also include Freddie Mercury, Ghandi, Frida Kahlo, John Lennon, Mikey Houser, Vasser Clemments, Waylon Jennings, and Brent Mydland..wait do they have to be real? um, Tyler Durdin, Atticus Finch, Holden Caufield, and, obligatorily (if that is in fact a real word), your mom :-)NEIL YOUNG plays "New Song" Heart of Gold from 1971
Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey Buckingham- BLEED TO LOVE HERPERRY FARRELL- Ocean Size. oh yeah with Moe or moe. or whateverBRUCE HORNSBY AND ROGER WATERS
Grateful Dead~
Bruce Hornsby~
Jerry Joseph and the Jackmormans~
Widespread Panic~
the Drive-by Truckers~
the Beatles~
the Talking Heads~
Legion of Mary~
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals~
North Mississippi Allstars~
the Roots~
Motley Crew~
Bob Dylan~
Blind Melon~
Robert Walters~
Vic Chessnut~
The Beasty Boys~
Leonard Cohen~
Law of Nature~
Al Green~
Frank Zappa~
Trey Band~
Les Clayppol~
Union Station~
Max Creek~
Blueground Undergrass~
Leftover Salmon~
The Del McCourey Band~
Cold War Kids~
Old Crow Medicine Show~
Tea Leaf Green~
Robert Randolph~
Blind Melon~
Michael Franti and Spearhead~
Jacob Fred Jazz Oddyssey~
Steve Kimock~
Carey Hudson/Blue Mountain~
Steely Dan~
David Bowie~
Pink Floyd/Roger Watters (now)~
Johnny Cash~
The Band~
Shooter Jennings~
Stockholm Syndrome~
The White Stripes~
...lots of jambands, bluegrass, rockabilly shit, classic rock, old country......beautiful piano sounds, the sound of my sweet spawn singing "come on, without, come on within" and "ooo baby don't you do it don't you break my heart" (never ever)...listening to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul...lots more and more, so long as it causes me to either subconsciously dance, headbang, play air guitar/piano/other, or make me feel all tingly.....oh and LOUD, please....<
BOBBIEEEEEEE!!!!GRACE POTTER and the Nocturnals (they're friggin' AWESOME)
Roger Waters
Electric Apricot-(Les Claypool's jamband mocumentery..watch this! so funny).....Loose Change 911, The Last Waltz, True Stories, Stop Making Sense, Star Wars Episodes 2-6, The Devil's Rejects, The Last Unicorn, Labyrinth, Freeway, Blood Diamond, Reign Over Me, True Romance, Say Anything, Love Actually, Elf, The Dark Chrystal, I Am Sam, lots of music DVDs, any cheezy horror movie, Herold and Maude, Wonderland, Best in Show, the Saltan Sea, Office Space, Fargo, The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico, Garden State, Ferris Beuller's Day Off<
Scrubs, House, The Office, Weeds, Nip/Tuck, The "Ra-PORE" and Daily Show, any of those shows on the Discovery Channel, ....I so want to be picked up by the Cash Cab! Dude i would so clean up~~...NCAA and NBA basketball (i actually love the LA Lakers), PGA golf, especially when Phil's playin....The Andy Griffith Show! i can also whistle the theme to a tee :) I freely admit that at times I enjoy a little mind-numbing programming.
the ones you loose yourself in, ones that you never forget, ones that provide more vivid imagary than any television program or film could ever hope to, ones that teach you, and make you THINK, autobiography, biography, philosophy, and just gold ole' amazing novels.....some of my all time favorites are To Kill a Mockingbird by Harpor Lee, Catcher in the Rye, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, anything by TOM WOLFF, anything by Pat Conroy, Alice Sebold, The Giver by Lois Lowery, Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, Into the Wild, The Hipocracy of Disco, The Glass Castle, anything by Jack Karoak, King, Koonz, Robert Crais, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palanuik, Eudora Welty, John Grisham, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, the classics, Steinbeck, Cry the Beloved Country, many more i can't think of....I also love poetry, Walt Whitman and such.......
The man in white himself: Tom Wolff
my daughter, she is my hope, my inspiration, and the the air I breathe....my parents and others whom have lost their lives to cancer...my mother especially i will be eternally grateful if i am ever to achieve a fraction of her beauty , kindness, talent, or empathy...my grandmaw, Bobbie Jean, who is a true blue ANGEL, my big brother Michael...bds....Mikey Houser.....my friends, my friends<
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