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I wander in my mind alone wondering if the sane know what it's like

About Me

My name is Max Eichhorst and all you need to know about me is im a musician.
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My Interests

Funk, Blues, Jazz, Folk, Fun noise's, and things that make sounds go up and down.

I'd like to meet:

Ohh anybody!


John Frusciante, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Oysterhead, Phish, The Grateful Dead, Voltage 79, The Mars Volta, At The Drive In, DeFacto, Avenged Sevenfold, Billy Talent, The Beatles, The Who, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blood Root Mother, 36th & Regent, Saosin, bullets and octane, Black Label Society, Eric Clapton, Derek and The Domino's, Steve Vai(you got a problem i'll kick your ass), Jason Becker, Jimi Hendrix, WolfMother, Rush, Pink Floyd, Cacophony, Bob Dylan, Fugazi, Gaby La La, Primus, Les Claypool, Bix Beiderbecke, Albert Allmons, Louis Armstrong, Dolly Parton, Bo Diddly, Muddy Waters, J.J. Cale, prety much anything funk blues rock bluegrass jazz and all that strange music that has no catagory.


is something I watched at night


On The Road, The Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell, Good vs Evil, Humam all to Human, A Brave New World, How to Roll vol. 1-3, bio's of rockstars and anything about american history.


Jimmy Page, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, Les Claypool, John Frusciante, Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, Pete Townshed, Jack White, Bredan Benson, Tony Ellis, Mike Brummer, Cole Haskins, and Ben Sibley.

My Blog


Well it is now 12:46am and i've just finished the movie Zeitgeist.  For the most part it was it a good way to kill 2 hours, now im going to rant about it.  Lets start with the religion part,...
Posted by Maxwell on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:07:00 PST

Things I think about that I shouldn’t

Oh the things that I think about that I shouldn't.  None of them are to healthly for the mind yet they still linger.  What would you do if I sang out of tune?  Would you stand up and wa...
Posted by Maxwell on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:36:00 PST


I've been listening to alot of Josh Klinghoffer's work lately, I find he's a very underated musician.  From his work with John Frusciante to Ataxia, Beck, Vincet Gallo, the list goes on I just wa...
Posted by Maxwell on Sat, 26 May 2007 06:46:00 PST

I dont like anything

I really dont, i dont feel like doining anything nothing is making me feel better. I tried to play guitar it brought a small smile to my face that went away very fast. I've tried to think positive abo...
Posted by Maxwell on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:32:00 PST

Dude Bitchin!!

Well despite the fact that I was in a fuckin terrible mood today at school, and felt like doin nothin but get drunk and high as shit after school. Now when I got home I had 2 choice's do homework or u...
Posted by Maxwell on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:53:00 PST