Nikki Vail profile picture

Nikki Vail

PATS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW so do I, U can't be the real Nikki Vail! Try it Biaaaaaaaatch!

About Me

I'm a six foot European Playboy model and Porn Chick! I'm a fiery wild red head that drives people crazy, (many people I have had the pleasure of meeting are now in looney bins) I LOVE heels, I love to wear stilletos and I have a shoe fetish! I have a lot of fetish's,,,,, some are out of control,that's my wild side, the other side is I'm a MOM!!!!!! A HOT sexy one! Wild one too! I love my son to death, he means the world to me! I love football too, he taught me the little dude, and I can throw a mean spiral and I love to tackle! Anyone wanna challenge me in a game of football? Your're on! I can tackle anyone, and I'm into that!!!!!! I love NYC cus it's the best place in the world (besides Paris!) Paris rocks, but I love NYC, the people, the energy, the hot dudes! I love fashion, and I love nudity, nothing like hanging out naked with a hot guy and then fxxxxxx for hours....... I love to masturbate, and I love sex! Orgasms rule! I hate negative people, especially the people on my space that say sick things, have respect, just cus I'm a 6 ft wild redhead doesn't mean you can disrespect me! If you're negative, stay off myspace and go fuck yourself, life is too short, be happy, that's why the world is getting so screwed up, negative people suck! I love my Son, my Airedale and Myself! Oh and greasy NY Pizza !!!!!!! Porn rules, so do Airedales! Thanks for the fans and fans rock, new website coming up soon, get ready guys and chicks! Stay happy! Nikki Vail xoxoxoxox Peace Out! img src=" if" .."Myspace Layouts" alt=" Free Layouts for Myspace and" width="200" height="50" border

My Interests

My Son, My Airedale, Foot Ball, the Pats, GO PATS, you rule dudes, yeah Tom you do too! I LOVE watching scary movies, shopping, shoes,lingerie, GREASY NY pizza!!!

I'd like to meet:

A million Airedales in Central Park NYC! Two million under the Eiffel Tower ;-) see ya xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Tommy Lee, The Frey, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Evenecence, Hinder, Augustana, Black eyed Peas,Gwen Stafani, Panic at the disco, The Killers, Akon, Ludachris, Jon Meyer, Diddy, Pussy cat Dolls, All American Reject, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus,The Doors, Daughtry, Eddie Van Halen, Snoop dog, JZee, Fergie, Dido, Rhianna, Fall out boy, Red jump suit appartis, Cartel, Linkin Park, Bryan Ferry, Stones,


Halloween, Butterfly effect, The Breakfast Club, Thelma and Louise, Silence of the Lambs, The Grinch, Liar Liar, Sweet November, Indian Runner, Natural Born Killers, anything with Jonny Depp in it, all the Bond movies with Sean Connery, All the Harry potter movies, Erin Brochovick, Pretty Woman, Old Fav's, The Graduate, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Gilda, You were never lovelier... and of course MINE!


Court tv, watching all the hollywood assholes get off murder charges including Howard K Stern killing Anna Nicole, that mother fucker, god rest her soul and her son, who he wiped out first, they were so close, I am sick that fucking asshole got away with murder twice, okay what else do I watch, CNN News, ESPN, David Letterman, and all the reality trash shows, Can't get enought of that shit its so fake, hey Nikki, wanna audition for my fake show, shudddddddup!


Anything by John Saul, the scarier the better! I used to like Mary Higgens Clark, read all her books but she disappeared! Trash magazines.... Oh and NY Times on Sunday ;-)


My Dad, My Mom, and of course my SON! Did I forget my stinky old Airedale? He's my HEROE!