Tiffany Photography profile picture

Tiffany Photography

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello. My name is Tiffany and I'm a PHOTOHOLIC. I absolutley love photography in all it's forms and fassions. I find it a good and creative way to enjoy my life and hope that I always do. I love shooting weddings. I love shooting seniors, children (it took a while for me to warm up to the litle boogers- but I'm there... right at their level of curiousity and I really try to catch them in their moment- not in much of a ... posed manor as most traditinal photographers try to manage) and families, sports and events. I love shooting scenics and found that I LOVE and am very interested in aerials. Flying would be a close second passion for me... if only I could afford the lessons!!! I mostly do OUTDOOR photography, kinda hard to do studio work- since I don't have a studio. I enjoy the freedom of shooting outdoors. I have a few select places I shoot in the local areas, but I'm ALWAYS up for doing on location shoots just about anywhere I can. I get bored easily, and am always looking for new locations, and always welcome any ideas you may have for some really personalized images!Hope you enjoy my work. I'm striving to do better at all times.I now have a small office in located at 410 West G.L. St, Suite 1, Morgantown, KY 42219 (across the road from Napa Auto Parts). It's in the old laundry matt building now known as "The Kompany Salon and Day Spa" and "Nationwide Insurance"For more information, come in and see me or call me at 270-999-3028 or Email me at [email protected] one more thing... I want to explain the huge logo on most of my recent photo's. I have had some issues with people copying, printing and posting images from myspace images. That is SO not cool. I've even had one senior to go as far as to dress in the same clothes I did her senior shoot in. Go to the same locations as I shot her in. And pose in as close as she could get to the same poses so she could get away without having to pay for them. That to me is just sneaky and unacceptable. So... I now post images with this stinkin large logo on them- so that if anyone wants to repost that image on their own myspace- they can without any fuss from me. Don't mean to sound like a bitch about it- but this is my job, and I don't like feeling like someone is stealing from me. Get this FREE MySpace layout and more at

My Interests

I LOVE to TRAVEL and photography helps me get that out of my system a little bit at a time. But... the more you get, the more you want- huh? I'm up for just about any photography style out there. I'm always up for a challenge- so if you have one, please, feel free to CHALLENGE ME! There are no winners... just photographers with different points of view- by which I learn new ways of looking at old things!IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PRICE LISTS, PLEASE MESSAGE ME OR EMAIL ME YOUR MAILING ADDRESS AND I'LL GET THAT TO YA VIA MESSAGE, EMAIL, OR STICK IT IN THE MAIL. PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT KIND OF PRICE LIST YOU'D LIKE... "WEDDING" (includes engagements, formals in bridal gown, wedding ceremony and reception), "SENIOR" (includes any junior or senior in high school or home school), "FAMILY" (includes maternity, children of any age and family) "SPORTS" (any sport - team, individual, and action shots)... and I of course will customize any package to fit your needs.Hope you enjoy my work. I'm striving to do better at all times.I now have a small office in located at 410 West G.L. St, Suite 1, Morgantown, KY 42219 (across the road from Napa Auto Parts). It's in the old laundry matt building now known as "The Kompany Salon and Day Spa" and "Nationwide Insurance"For more information, come in and see me or call me at 270-999-3028 or Email me at [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting people to want to have their picture taken. I love meeting people that are outgoing and willing to just get creative and crazy. I also love bringing out that person in those of you that are a little more reserved. I think I'm a pretty easy person to be around and yes, I am a dork- but that's what I do best, and it helps me be creative as well.


I listen to Classical Music mostly... you know, Mozart, Bach and Chopin, those sorts of wonderful people. When I'm not listening to Classical Jams... I'm more than likely listening to Metallica. It is hard rock, but sometimes it's very soothing to listen to. And GREAT to listen to if your just plain mad at the world. I also listen to a lot of Bluegrass and Country- my favorite artist in these genres would hands down be.... drum roll.... Allison Kraus. LOVE LOVE LOVE her and all her music!!!


Last of the Dog Men tops that list. Lord of the Rings. The Cronicles of Narnia, the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. Star Wars (the old ones). The Goonies. Any of the Muppet Movies. Yes... I love the Disney movies... Peter Pan, the Jungle Book and Alice in Wonderland top those lists. I like Scary Movies mostly though. They just don't make good ol' scary make you jump out of your skin, and look under the bed before you go to sleep movies any more... "IT" is one of the freakiest movies ever made. Stephen King is a genius.


LOST. I'm addicted to a teenie bopper show called Wildfire. I LOVE it. Takes me back to many years ago when I was the one working with the horses. Other than that I watch a lot of UFC (LOVE LOVE LOVE the "Punisher"- can't stand Matt Hughes- good fighter... hate his personality. Love Forrest and Diego). Makes me wanna body slam my husband!!! I also, unfortunately, still watch a lot of Dora, Sesame Street, the Magic School Bus (I still learn something new every time I watch it) and Good ol' Mister Rogers Neighborhood. CMT. MTV's Headbangers Ball.


I wish I had more time... but when I do, Anything written by Patrick Sparks. I'm always looking for new GOOD books to read. I don't have that much time... so I hate to waist it on a book that doesn't suck me in.


When I was young- like10 yrs old, (before I knew I would be too tall to jockey), Pat Day was my hero. He won the Derby along with many other races way back when. I loved watching the races. In the 5th grade when I passed the 5ft mark, I soon dropped those ambitions, and started admiring the boys. That has lead me to my now NUMBER ONE HERO...My husband. He's the best. Other than that- my friends and family and anyone whom I've ever learned anything from at all.

My Blog

Tag... I’m it.

10 Random Things About me..... ??? 1. I don't understand text abreviations. I know ... lol, knotb (2. Classical Music is my favorite Genre. Along with Bluegrass and Hard Rock.3. I am a christian...
Posted by Tiffany Photography on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:35:00 PST

Trash Your Dress Day ’07

I want to thank everyone that came and took part in the TYDD shoot. It was a very long day, and I've had issues on many levels with the business side- but it was a success and I think we got some awes...
Posted by Tiffany Photography on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 08:00:00 PST

The Magic behind the Superzoom Lense by David Pogue

The Magic Behind the 'Superzoom' Lens .. BODY --> I've never reviewed a camera lens before. I mean, only a fraction of digital camera owners have digital S.L.R.s (the kind that accept interchangeabl...
Posted by Tiffany Photography on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 07:51:00 PST