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Attempting to One day
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♥ ANyone Who's Not fake,Who can hold a Conversation! Who's funny,into music.etc. ♥
Cool Clocks at Wishafriend
deep and random questions. (Finally one for adults)
A completly random list of questions ranging from simple to deep
Whats your name?: Teresa
Age?: 27
Hometown?: Keego Harbor
Current town you live in?: Rosemount
How many differnt places have you lived?: 2 Different states
Your heritage?: Heinz 57
Height?: 5'9
Weight?: Keeps Dropping..I'll let ya know
Do you own your home or rent?: Rent
What kinda of car do you have?: Saving for one right now
Whats you religion?: God Fearing
Why?: Why ask Why
Are your parents still together?: Yes
How long have/were they married?: 42 Years and still going
How many brothers and sisters do you have?: 1 Brother-4 Sisters
Any kids of your own?: Not yet
Plan on having any more?: I'd love to have a baby
Are you close to your family?: OH yeah..I adore them all
Who do you feel the closest too?: My mom and Siblings
Any crazy relatives?: Crazy as Funny ..then hell yes..hehe
Whats the most important thing your family has taught you?: Stand up for yourself
What bill do you hate paying the most?: Health insurance
How often do you clean your house?: Everyday
So what do you do for a living?: Working at a Water garden place..till i'm done w/ Massage Therapy
And how long have you been at your current job?: 2 yrs now
Do you like it there?: yah..get dirty but it's fun in it's own way
Whats the best thing about your job?: MY friends work there
The worst?: Getting DIRTY
Do you have any friends outside of work?: Oh yeah
Speaking of friends which one do you talk to the most?: Hmmm probally Michelle, and kayla and alyssa
Could you tell this person anything and everything?: OH yah
Whats your favorite bar?: Shenanigans
Does your town have more bars or churches?: bars..sad I know
Favorite thing to drink?: Ice Water
Beer or wine?: Both..
Would you rather spend an evening at home or out on the town?: depending on my mood
Do you smoke?: yah unfortunatly
What about drink?: sometimes
Feelings on drugs?: I don't do them
So whats the best gift you've ever recieved?: Life
Whats the most important thing in your life?: family
Do the simple things really mean the most?: OH ofcourse
Whats your average grocery bill like?: I don't eat about 50 to 60 bucks
Whats been your favorite age so far?: 21
Whats your goals in life?: Finish school and open up my own spa
Are you a hard worker?: OH yah
How do you feel about handouts?: I think there Great for those who need it
Are you too stubborn to ask for help?: I'm way to stubborn!!!
Ever get behind on bills?: Oh yah
How do you celebrate the holidays?: W/ friends and Family
Pro choice or Pro life?: Pro life
Any tattoos?: I have 2
If so what are they?: one on each arm. one has my nickname w/ a rose and the other is a cartoon I drew
Any Peircings?: I have 6 in one ear and 4 in the other ear
If so where are they?: just my ears
Do you think looks matter?: No
What about money?: NOt really
What kind of things do you look for in a partner?: Honesty!,ambition,Passion, Communication
Do you believe in soul mates?: Yes
Love at first sight?: Sorta
How do you feel about one night stands?: Well there ok..hehe
What are your turn ons in the bedroom?: Passion, confidence, Lots of
Turn offs?: Being a 1 minute man
What is the worst thing a guy/girl can do too completely turn you off.: Make a smart ass comment about how hot another girl is
How do you feel about one night stands?: Didn't i answer that?
How important is sex to you?: Very
Do you think sex is better when your in love?: OH yah
If your partner wasn't able to have sex any more, would you stay with them?: If I loved them w/ all my heart then yes..
Do you look for someone who i shoter than you or taller?: Taller
Does a mans "size" really matter?: NO
Do you believe it's possible to remain faithful to one person forever?: Yes
What are oyur feelings on threesomes?: Umm..haven't done that so I couldn't tell ya
Would you ever "share" your partner with someone else?: NO
How jelouse are you?: Only when given good reason
Which is better trust or love?: Both
Do you want a partner that takes control or lets you have it?: 50/50
What is more difficult: Looking into someones eyes and shareing your: ?
feelings or looking in someones eyes while their sharing theirs?: Sharing mine
You will die in three minutes...Last call?: Mom
Someone you love dies and you could give them back one hour of their life: Geeeze that's hard to choose
by giving up a year of yours....would you do it?: YEs
Are you old fashioned?: Sorta
Why are you this way?: I dunno
Is it harder to tell someone you love them or that you dont love them back?: Don't love them back
When was the last time you told someone how you REALLY feel?: Not long ago
Would you tell the truth even if it ment losing everything?: YES
If you could change one person who would it be and why?: my BF.. He's got issues he wont' deal with
Is it better to ahve loved and lost or never have loved at all?: to have loved and lsot
Would you ever take in a freinds children to raise if the yasked you too?: Oh yah
Whats the best advice you've ever recieved?: be assertive and stand up for yourself
The wost advice?: Hmmm dunno
Who do you admire the most?: family
What makes life worth while?: laughter,love, breathing
Should you judge someone based on their past?: Not really no
What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?: music
Finish the sentance:
I am:: confident
I wish for:: Peace
I deserve:: More
I need:: Family
If you only had three months to live
Would you tell anybody or everyone?: yes
Would you be afraid?: Yes sorta
How would you want to spend your remaining days?: With everyone I love
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Davinci Code
The Guardian
Gross point Blank
Saw 1,2,3
Step Up
4 Brothers
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Under the Tuscan Sun
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Rob Zombie's
Version of HALLOWEEN
I Love chick flicks
Horror Movies.
And Cable guy is
Still a Great MOVIE!