♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ profile picture

♣ Guitar Goddess ♥

Cuz It's a BitterSweet Symphony..That's life..♣

About Me

♥ The names Teresa or my friends and family call me Tre-Tre (Childhood nickname:)♥
I Love Music and growing up being exposed to all kinds of generations of different Genres,I've grown up to resprect and Find a Love for ALL kinds of Music from jazz, Reggae,Oldies,Rock,Country,Blues. Everyone has a Voice and an Instrument It all depends on if your willing to listen!♥
I love My Guitar (many Thanks to Chris for taking me under his wing at 18 and showing me how to play & being paitent..lol) My Loyalty first lies with Acoustic but Also appreciate electric guitars. (To My Ex band mates Kevin,Blake,Bryan and Willy..Hope U guys are Doin Great wherever you are.) ♥
I'll Never forget dancing to oldies music in the living room with my mom Who can dance like nobody's business and How much fun we had. My mother is the one person who taught me to always hold my head up, Never let anyone step on you, Go for your dreams, Be humble and Honest and Never Forget Family. Because of her stories and hearing the music I grew up with a fond respect for that era of the 60's and 70's. (Which is why You'll hear some on my Music Playlist) ♥ I remember BBQ's,Bonfires and plenty of Fish Fry's with the family! I'm the Youngest of 6 kids and have 9 neices and nephews & I tell ya I adore each and every one of them! I'll always try to protect them and never let me catch someone make a physical threat towards them cuz then it's on!
I constantly Get advice from the older siblings (being i'm the youngest) and I try to take each as a Stepping stone to make different decisions. We all Fall or Slip at some point in life. What counts is If you can get up again with the same enthusiasm as before~ My advice Stay humble but keep your head up!
♣ I Do not Like/Nor Tolerate Racism or pre-judging someone. I have friends of all races, creeds, religious backgrounds,Etc. Before You try to downgrade somone else, Stop to think If you really want to throw that stone at the glass house. It's easier to point-out someone else's faults instead of looking at our own.♣
I ♥ Caribou Coffee Iced Turtle Mocha Latte.mmmm
I ♥ Flip-Flops, Painting my toe nails I ♥ Being cuddly-Kissing & affection I ♥ Wearing cowgirl hats-and boots I ♥ Riding quads-Getting down n' dirty mudboggin I ♥ Watching a Good movie either at home or the movies I ♥ Thought provoking convo's & and Great book

Myspace Graphics
Cute Hot Layouts FromWHATEVERLIFE.COM!

My Interests

Playing The Guitar
Reading anything interesting
Learning New Languages
Dying My Hair
Riding 4 Wheelers
Watching Movies
Listening to ALL kinds of Music
Studying Holistic Medicine
Broadening My horizons
Seeing New Sights
Attempting to One day Ride a Motorcyle
Meeting New People

I'd like to meet:

♥ ANyone Who's Not fake,Who can hold a Conversation! Who's funny,into music.etc. ♥

Cool Clocks at Wishafriend

deep and random questions. (Finally one for adults)
A completly random list of questions ranging from simple to deep
Whats your name?: Teresa
Age?: 27
Hometown?: Keego Harbor
Current town you live in?: Rosemount
How many differnt places have you lived?: 2 Different states
Your heritage?: Heinz 57
Height?: 5'9
Weight?: Keeps Dropping..I'll let ya know
Do you own your home or rent?: Rent
What kinda of car do you have?: Saving for one right now
Whats you religion?: God Fearing
Why?: Why ask Why
Are your parents still together?: Yes
How long have/were they married?: 42 Years and still going
How many brothers and sisters do you have?: 1 Brother-4 Sisters
Any kids of your own?: Not yet
Plan on having any more?: I'd love to have a baby
Are you close to your family?: OH yeah..I adore them all
Who do you feel the closest too?: My mom and Siblings
Any crazy relatives?: Crazy as Funny ..then hell yes..hehe
Whats the most important thing your family has taught you?: Stand up for yourself
What bill do you hate paying the most?: Health insurance
How often do you clean your house?: Everyday
So what do you do for a living?: Working at a Water garden place..till i'm done w/ Massage Therapy
And how long have you been at your current job?: 2 yrs now
Do you like it there?: yah..get dirty but it's fun in it's own way
Whats the best thing about your job?: MY friends work there
The worst?: Getting DIRTY
Do you have any friends outside of work?: Oh yeah
Speaking of friends which one do you talk to the most?: Hmmm probally Michelle, and kayla and alyssa
Could you tell this person anything and everything?: OH yah
Whats your favorite bar?: Shenanigans
Does your town have more bars or churches?: bars..sad I know
Favorite thing to drink?: Ice Water
Beer or wine?: Both..
Would you rather spend an evening at home or out on the town?: depending on my mood
Do you smoke?: yah unfortunatly
What about drink?: sometimes
Feelings on drugs?: I don't do them
So whats the best gift you've ever recieved?: Life
Whats the most important thing in your life?: family
Do the simple things really mean the most?: OH ofcourse
Whats your average grocery bill like?: I don't eat much..so about 50 to 60 bucks
Whats been your favorite age so far?: 21
Whats your goals in life?: Finish school and open up my own spa
Are you a hard worker?: OH yah
How do you feel about handouts?: I think there Great for those who need it
Are you too stubborn to ask for help?: I'm way to stubborn!!!
Ever get behind on bills?: Oh yah
How do you celebrate the holidays?: W/ friends and Family
Pro choice or Pro life?: Pro life
Any tattoos?: I have 2
If so what are they?: one on each arm. one has my nickname w/ a rose and the other is a cartoon I drew
Any Peircings?: I have 6 in one ear and 4 in the other ear
If so where are they?: just my ears
Do you think looks matter?: No
What about money?: NOt really
What kind of things do you look for in a partner?: Honesty!,ambition,Passion, Communication
Do you believe in soul mates?: Yes
Love at first sight?: Sorta
How do you feel about one night stands?: Well there ok..hehe
What are your turn ons in the bedroom?: Passion, confidence, Lots of touching..lol
Turn offs?: Being a 1 minute man
What is the worst thing a guy/girl can do too completely turn you off.: Make a smart ass comment about how hot another girl is
How do you feel about one night stands?: Didn't i answer that?
How important is sex to you?: Very
Do you think sex is better when your in love?: OH yah
If your partner wasn't able to have sex any more, would you stay with them?: If I loved them w/ all my heart then yes..
Do you look for someone who i shoter than you or taller?: Taller
Does a mans "size" really matter?: NO
Do you believe it's possible to remain faithful to one person forever?: Yes
What are oyur feelings on threesomes?: Umm..haven't done that so I couldn't tell ya
Would you ever "share" your partner with someone else?: NO
How jelouse are you?: Only when given good reason
Which is better trust or love?: Both
Do you want a partner that takes control or lets you have it?: 50/50
What is more difficult: Looking into someones eyes and shareing your: ?
feelings or looking in someones eyes while their sharing theirs?: Sharing mine
You will die in three minutes...Last call?: Mom
Someone you love dies and you could give them back one hour of their life: Geeeze that's hard to choose
by giving up a year of yours....would you do it?: YEs
Are you old fashioned?: Sorta
Why are you this way?: I dunno
Is it harder to tell someone you love them or that you dont love them back?: Don't love them back
When was the last time you told someone how you REALLY feel?: Not long ago
Would you tell the truth even if it ment losing everything?: YES
If you could change one person who would it be and why?: my BF.. He's got issues he wont' deal with
Is it better to ahve loved and lost or never have loved at all?: to have loved and lsot
Would you ever take in a freinds children to raise if the yasked you too?: Oh yah
Whats the best advice you've ever recieved?: be assertive and stand up for yourself
The wost advice?: Hmmm dunno
Who do you admire the most?: family
What makes life worth while?: laughter,love, breathing
Should you judge someone based on their past?: Not really no
What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?: music
Finish the sentance:
I am:: confident
I wish for:: Peace
I deserve:: More
I need:: Family
If you only had three months to live
Would you tell anybody or everyone?: yes
Would you be afraid?: Yes sorta
How would you want to spend your remaining days?: With everyone I love
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Ferris Buellers day off
Pretty Woman
Davinci Code
The Guardian
Gross point Blank
Saw 1,2,3
Step Up
4 Brothers
Banger Sisters
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Prestige
Trust the man
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
Guess Who
Just Married
Mystic Pizza
Sense & Senseibility
Just Friends
High Fidelity
School of ROCK
Wild Hogs
Are We Done yet?
Cruel Intentions
Happy Feet
August Rush!
Rob Zombie's Version of HALLOWEEN
I Love chick flicks Horror Movies. Suspense. Comedy. And Cable guy is Still a Great MOVIE!




My Blog

The "loveable Goof" & " Tin-Man" Didn’t live Happily Ever After..

    A whirlwind of emotions are going on while i'm writing this.     The Past year my life has been up & down, but I realized my heart was Down more than up and ...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:15:00 PST

Songs that Have Meaning to me Right now...

Music is the Soundtrack to our lives..  Some songs that have deep meaning to me right now..  " Running away" By Hoobastank I don't want you to give it all upAnd leave your own life collectin...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:17:00 PST

Ok for those who can read and also take what someone says seriously... let’s try this again..

Ok. Now that I’ve gotten out of yet another relationship with someone who was messed up, had serious issues and was a total irresponsible person I have had more clear view on what it is I want &...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:30:00 PST

HOw Massage Helps..411

Stress and the Body We experience all of life through the physical reality of our bodies. Our pleasures and pains, the ups and downs of daily life affect the body profoundly, often in ways we&rsquo...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

People & Their Issues.... Leave em at the Door!

Well Let’s see...This last year Has proved to be Interesting to say the least... This weekend alot of shit has happened and it all has boiled over and come to a head..I fell for a man who had So...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 03:07:00 PST

The 7 Name Game.

  The 7 Game! Each player starts w/ 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things as well as these rules. At the end of yo...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:25:00 PST

Venting is Good Therapy..Wouldn't you agree..

I had to write this and get thing's off my chest or I'm afraid I'll just burst and go nuts. I usually keep a notebook that I write in and once in awhile I sorta journal in it but I'm on the Computer n...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

You have these Qualities? Then Don't Even Bother with me. Savi?

If you are hot headed, have a short temper, fly off the handle easily over dumb shit... Do not bother  me. If you can't hold a conversation outside of responses like Yep, and Nope and I dunno... ...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:47:00 PST

Quirky Questions about Me

..> Mind Boggler Survey (not usual questions!) Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell?: YEP! LOL When I was a kid What's the most comfortable thing you own?: MY woobie..gray ...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:52:00 PST

How hard a Punch can you take? LIfe Compared To Boxing...

I just got done watching the movie Rocky Balboa. I have to say it was by far the best Rocky movie out of everyone of them made before. It makes you think to, and I love when I'm done with a Movie and ...
Posted by ♣ Guitar Goddess ♥ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:10:00 PST