cine + musica + moda + periodismo + literatura + publicidad + gramatica + ortografia + dormir y soñar con bandasonora + escribir y despues borrarlo + drinks + gameboards + comunicacion e incomunicacion + nueva york + manchester + berlin
Inserta aquà alzada de ceja.
new order, madonna, joy division, bow wow wow, tha bangles, air, art brut, numbers, electrelane, architecture in helsinky, phoenix, radiohead, the strokes, the white stripes, !!!, andrew bird, antony and the johnsons, cocorosie, artic monkeys, blondie, blonde redhead, brazillian girls, nouvelle vague, bloc party, david bowie, t rex, animal collective, be your own pet, oh no! oh my!, the zutons, clap your hands and say yeah, im from barcelona, doves, junior senior, scissor sisters, neutral milk hotel, the thrills, the killers, the bravery, cat power, damien rice, dandy warhols, the ramones, the sex pistols, the clash, hot hot heat, belle and sebastian, arab strap, justin timberlake (yeah baby), ok go, peaches, supergrass, tapes n tapes, interpol, my bloody valentine, the sounds, jesus and the mary chain, the subways, lcd soundsystem, daft punk, the libertines, elliot smith, death cab for cutie, fiona apple, fischerspooner, franz ferdinand, new young pony club, dead disco, young love, the blood arm, the rapture, the walkmen, apples in stereo, broken social scene, metric, tokyo police club, tv on the radio, muchos muchos mas
Sofia Copolla, Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Mark Romanek, Chris Cunningham. Luis Bunuel, Lars Von Triers, David Lynch, David O. Russell, Jonathan Glazer, Cuaron, Inarritu, Wes Anderson, Noah Baumbach, Gus van Sant...etc
mi apellido deberia ser cable
Cortazar, Sabato, Saramago, Hesse, Miller, Hemingway, Nietzche, Sartre, Gide, Woolf, Lawrence, Wilde, Poe...etc
mis abuelos