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About Me

So I decided to change my 'about me" section, I think this may be difficult ... I'm a girl, I wear glasses sometimes and sometimes I don't.. I can be very warm and I am friendly most of the time but sometimes I can be a bit bitchy too.. i'm hard to truly get to know but I swear its worth the effort :) I am a taurus, like pop corns, chips, my flower is the gerbera ... I love eating great food, enjoying a good cup of tea and drinking great wine..but what i like the most is ice tea .I like to listen to punk, ska and 80s music, but i listen to girly stuff when it rains..I'm always worried of seeming pretentious or arrogant, cause i know that sometimes i am.I have messy writing and most of the times my room is messy yet I have come to realize that i tend to be a perfectionist, at least when it comes to me.. I care about what you say.. I think too much about a lot of things...I don't know everything and neither do you..but i read a loooot. I admit I watch TV..did I mention I speak spanish? italian is coming along as well.. I live to travel and meet new people.. I like to hold hands..i have big goals..I am left handed.. sometimes I'm too sarcastic.. I have a tough time showing and understanding my emotions..but i have a great sense of humor and always make ppl spanish its easier of course. I think know who I am... I love great conversations... well thats about it for now
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by NaNa
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justicia divina????

he escuchado lo de justicia divina y cuando muchas cosas escapan de mis manos y por fe en Dios, decido que él seencargará de las cosas que yo aca en el pueblito nulo en el cual habito en la peque...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 15:55:00 GMT

BOYFRIEND APPLICATION...algun interesado???

  BOYFRIEND APPLICATION? ?Basics: Name: Age: Location: Height: Hair (color and style): Eyes: Piercings/tattoos: ?What Do You Think Of My... Personality: Eyes: Face: ?Would you...[] go out with ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:17:00 GMT


Antes de morir quiero ser yo hasta lo maximo...ahora soy lo que puedo ser...aunque sigo tratando y tratando ser lo quiero, porque mi falta de coraje, la pereza, las situaciones o la locación me lo imp...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 01:21:00 GMT

sueño "Reparador"

Requiere esfuerzo vernos como queremos...como sea que queramos...El Glamour no es baratoCada mañana luzco como un espantoAunque es irónico porque supuestamente las 8 horas de sueño son "reparadoras" &...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 13:28:00 GMT