Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Poker, Traveling, Surfing, Golf, Snowmobiling, Gettin Rad
The Legends: Mark Gonzales, Natas Kaupas, RAY BARBEE, John Cardiel, Bryan Iguchi, Terje Haakonsen, Jamie Lynn, mostly anyone down for the cause.
Pretty much everything: Metal, Rock, Hip Hop, Electronic, Punk, Psychobilly, Country, Hardcore, Classical.
Snowboard and skate movies of Course! Most recently A Time To Shine, MDP's Follow Me around and People, THAT, Draw The Line, ESCRAMBLE, Who Cares?, State of Mind.
All of us are to poor to afford it!
Too many to list
Those that know who they are and stand for what they believe in.