Pictures from last 80's Baby Skate Party. . . is " 1st Party of the Summer....Do you Remember the Summertime?"And then there are more . .. . .
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comIf you are a "TRUE 80's Baby" then this is the party for you. . . That means that YOU were BORN & or RAISED in the years of the 1980's!!Its all going DOWN . . . Saturday,Feb 3, 2007 from 11pm - 2am . . . at none-other then Skate King Skating Rink(off of Jenning Station Road) MUST be an 80's Baby (18 & Older)to get in . . .LOL!! This event will really take you BACK to DEM DAYS . . .SO YOU DONT WANT TO MISS IT!! SEE YA THERE OR BE SQAURE!!