music, art, philosophy, french social criticism, drinking, insulting people i deem worthy of a scotti zinger which pretty much means anyone i encounter.
a lot of things. that doesn't mean i will like your shit, but i will give it a whirl. just be warned i am very very very selective on the tunes that enter my ears. the nazis ain't got shit on me!!! SOME EXAMPLES: SOLID GOLD, CUMMIES, THUNDERBIRDS ARE NOW!!!, LIVING THINGS, CSS, KILLS, DUKE SPIRIT, HOLY FUCK, BRMC, SHITDISCO, WE ARE WOLVES, NEW YOUNG PONY CLUB, BLONDE REDHEAD, DATAROCK, THE RAPTURE, !!!, YEAHYEAHYEAHS, THE STOOGES, MC5, ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS(BOWIE SUX ASS), ROLLING STONES(BEFORE THEY DIED), KINKS, ETC.(YOU GET THE IDEA)
Kubrick, Kurasowa, Wes Andersen, Miyazaki, Texas Chainsaw Massacre(original), Evil Dead trilogy, AKIRA, etc.
psychic soviet, tin drum, breakfast of champions, faust, divine comedy, being and nothingness (currently reading), etc.