MUSIC!!! Books, travels, movies and of course irish dancing!
John Lennon, Bono, Dave Gahan, Brian Molko, William Shakespeare...and many more...
The Beatles, John Lennon, U2, Placebo, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, Skin, british alternative, indie, emo, sometimes new romantic...and more. Polish bands: Myslovitz, Kombajn Do Zbierania Kur Po Wioskach, Lili Marlene, Iowa Super Soccer
Million Dollar Hotel, Blade Runner, Blow Up, Bloody Sunday, The Boxer, My Left Foot, In the Name of the Father, The Field...
Usually I do not watch TV, but these channels I do watch: MTV2, BBC
There are many books that I love, like and adore. These are the most important for me: The Lord of the Rings, Portrait of Dorian Grey, Eureka Street, Ulysses, Hamlet, Cien Anos de Soledad ( 100 Years of Solitude by Marquez)
John Lennon, Bono, Michael Collins, Wiliam Shakespeare, my parents.