ThiS DUDE ..IZ..TOOO FUCKIN COOL..Burn iT BAbY!!FriDAy tHE 13tH in PORT DOVER, Ontario's BiGGEst one DAy BiKEr Event....what a TIME.. I was lucKy Enough to have met up with a couple of MYSPACE FRIENDS!!!CoNNie & MarY from Kentucky came all the way uP to CanaDa for the FirSt Time !!Met up with MY GirL SuZie FucKin BuTTERcuP!!& PeG From Wisconsin..LUV ya BIG GUY!!
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Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Vaughan,Lynard Skynard,BB King,Albert King,Bo Diddley, David Wilcox, Colin James, Lou Ann Barton,Fabulous Thunderbirds, ZZ Top, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, Tim Woodcock,The Hip,Shemekia Copeland,Susan Tedeschi, Uncle Kracker, Kid Rock,ACDC, OZZY,ROB ZOMBIE, Zakk WyLDE BLS, GodsmacK, Pantera, HELLYEaH,BlacK SabbatH, Metallica AND can't forget about the girlZ of Mad Violet!!! just to name a few...
The Blues Brothers!! Saw, Unforgiven, Star Wars, Trailer Park Boys, Friday, Austin Powers, Crank, DeatH ProoF, PulP Fiction
Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 29...ok.. fine...39
Birthplace Woodstock,Ontario
Current Location someWhere in the middlE of noWhere Ontario
Hair Color blonDe
Eye Color bluE
Height 5..'4
Heritage Italian/English
Your fears I fear, FEAR itself
Your weakness Harley BoyZ ....and my Ole Man, just in case he..'s readin this
Goal for today umm ride my Harley..screw the houseWork!!
Goal for this year rock hard ride FREE!!...and screw the laundry tOO!!
Lifetime goal .."liVe.." like there aiN't no TommoRRow
When do you want to get married? i AM...17 blissFul yrs & many more to come....iAM smiling as I write this..really
and to whom? Scotty too HoTTy
Ever been in love? is my downfall
Currently in love? I LoVe sCottY
Do you think you are attractive? yeah I..'m hangin in but it ain..'t gettin any better
Your best physical feature hAir...on my head
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... raW can..'t make me
gone skinny dipping... well I..'m not exactly skinny but hell Yeah!
been beaten up... EmotionallY
wanted to kill someone... that..'s a lil HarSh
gone a week without MySpace... i Do have a LiFe
gone a week without TV... ok now don..'t be ridiculas
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... A MaN
say hi to you... get hi with you......?!
talk to you... talk to Who
What's the last...
Time you cried? when my bike was broke doWn..and I had to bring it to the was a sad daY
Book you've read? How to be a little more sEnSitiVe
Store you've been in? Canadian!
Can you...
Dance? yeah baBy!!
Speak a differenty language? when i..'m LoaDed...
Cook? you should see my Ole mAn
Write w/ both hands? barely write with one
Whistle? only at hoTTies..when my Ole man..'s not there
Finish the line...
If I had a... million dollars (well maybe 2 million)
I would be a lil bit rich...well..comfortable..
So I can riDe my biKe everyDay....try to tell me money can..'t buy haPPiness
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My Mini BiKer Bitch AlanA ChoPPer JaKe