Hermmm... A space... All about me, sounds a bit self indulgent? I like it =P well I guess I'm Dan although sometimes I call myself Trevor, for reasons I'm not entirely sure but I'm sure will one day become clear. If it wasn't already obvious talking crap and over using punctuation are some of my downfalls/quirks/oddities (as is thinking too much)
The Bio: I'm 20 doing a Computer Science degree (about to go into my 3rd year) at Lancaster Uni =) It's pretty cool and denying I'm a computer geek can only go so far... However I've got a bit of a thing far all things creative,
Love playing guitar, at the minute I've gone quite acoustic mainly due to the fact that the advice "selling your assets to raise funds" was taken a little bit to heart and lost my amp =( Influenced by a lot of different people but the main guys kissing my ears lately would be the mighty John Butler Trio, Nick Drake (though I envisage he wanted me listening to it more in the Winter time), and lots lots more that you can ask me about =)
Love taking photo's on my rather temperamental phone (should probably buy a camera I know) but again... assets (can't sell anymore), anything that looks pretty, or makes me feel a bit good.
Bleh, guess I'll fill anything else in as I think of it... (Ohhh and the blogs... long time ago, did a lot of drugs, that was the result lol)