Deekin profile picture



About Me

comment | message | add meMy names deekin.
im pale
im shy
im insecure
ima nice guy
im unattractive
i miss illinois more then i should
my name is a joke shut the fuck up
i worry alot
i dont know when im satisfied
im afraid of relationships.
im in a band:
The Monster of FLorence

My Interests




i ♥ all of them ^ZACH,myy Bestfriend he acctualy cares if im hurt unlike the rest of you fucks
^NATHAN, his hair is a helmet =], and hes my bestfriend♥^ ^Erin, shes amazing. i miss her lots and lots, more then anybody else from illinois, because shes the only one from there that doesn't hate me ♥^ ^BIG TAM TAM (BIG SIS) =D♥^ ^MICHELLE, shes a horrible driver, and shes slow sometimes=P, and she obviously doesn't know how much i miss her♥^ ^STONE COLD, WIFEY =P♥^ ^NIGLEY WIGLEY, i miss this nigga. Her first time getting drunk was with me, and my first time passing out and puking while drunk was with her ahahah&hearts^ ^SQUISH, BFF from AUSTRAILIA♥^ ^TIFFANY, i saw this girl everyday for 2 weeks, and never said one word to her ahaha, and now we talk everyday ahaha♥^
^MIKEY, hes a midget and i've none him since 5th grade hes one of my bestfriends♥^ ^ZACK, favorite nigga from illinios, were in the everybody from illinois hates us crew =D♥^ ^KAIT, one of my favorite people from my highschool, shes funny,she says dude and man alot ahaha, cute =]hearts; ^my twiny twin twin^ ^JEWISH LAURA, i miss this jew =]♥^ ^KARLA the EXPLORER, i met her once and she was wasted and i had to take care of her, then i saw her 2 more times, but just never said hi=[♥^ ^JAZBURRITO, NIGGGA♥^if you would like to be in here ask