TIM DCXX profile picture


All the waste I see, all the waste I'll never be.

About Me

Started skateboarding in 1985. Late 1985, early 1986 I discovered punk / hardcore. June 27th, 1987 I went to my first show, Descendents, Rollins Band and MIA at City Gardens, soon after followed by Dag Nasty and Agent Orange at City Gardens. Late 1987, early 1988 introduced me to straight edge hardcore. Some of my earliest memories involving straight edge hardcore shows focus around live sets by bands like: Bold, Insted, Judge, Gorilla Biscuits, Chain Of Strength and Turning Point. In 1988 I started a fanzine called Slew, that lasted three issues. Late 1988 I started Common Sense Fanzine with my friend Tony. By late 1989, early 1990 I started a hardcore band. Orignally known as Control, we played two shows under that name, then changed our name to Mouthpiece. Mouthpiece exsisted from 1990 to 1996. In that time period we released two 7"s and one full length, all on New Age Records. Mouthpiece played the east coast consistently, occasionally played the mid west and quite a few times played the west coast. We toured in 1995 and broke up in 1996. 1996 brought forth a new band, Hands Tied. Hands Tied recorded a record for Equal Vision Records, played the east coast here and there, then toured Euorpe in 1998. Hands Tied broke up in 1999. From 1999 to 2001 I remained bandless. Aside from a small group of Mouthpiece reunion shows in 2000, I didn't find myself getting involved with a new band until 2001. 2001 brought me into the position of working on a project with an old friend, Ken Olden from DC. We called the band Face The Enemy, recorded a full length album and a 7". Face The Enemy played a small handful of shows, did a short tour with Impact (now Stand & Fight), then took the back seat to our personal lives. In 2002 I got married to my long time girlfriend and all around best friend, Traci. May 2003 brought forth the birth of our first child, Trevor Jordan McMahon. By 2004, I started a new band, Triple Threat. Triple Threat played our first show in June of 2004 with Insted. We recorded for a 5 song 7" on Livewire Records, which was released in November of 2005. In March of 2006, Triple Threat recorded a 13 song full length album for Bridge 9 Records called "Into The Darkness". July 25, 2006, "Into The Darkness" was released. February of 2007 brought forth the birth of one more little McMahon, this time a girl, Taryn Mollie McMahon. Most of my time goes to my family, my work, following Philadelphia sports and my latest venture, Double Cross, an online fanzine. Click on the link below to check out Double Cross:

My Interests

Straight Edge, Hardcore, Punk, Graphic Design, Apple Computers, Horror Movies, Volkswagens, Philadelphia 76ers, Eagles and Phillies, Sneakers, Skateboading, Mountain Biking, Record Collecting, Vegetarianism, Gaudiya Vaisnavism, English Bulldogs, Triple Threat, Livewire Records, Double Cross Webzine, Howard Stern.

I'd like to meet:

A Championship In The City Of Philadelphia.


Youth Of Today, Bold, Chain Of Strength, Judge, Project X, 7 Seconds, 108, Absolution, Adolescents, Agent Orange, Alone In A Crowd, Antidote, Bad Brains, Beyond, Black Flag, BL'AST!, Brotherhood, Burn, Circle Jerks, The Clash, Corrosion Of Conformity, Courage, Cro-Mags, Dag Nasty, Danzig, Dead Boys, The Dead Milkmen, Descendents, DYS, Embrace, End To End, Enuf, The Faction, The Faith, Farside, The First Step, Floorpunch, Germs, Gorilla Biscuits, Handsome, Hard Stance, Ignite, In Your Face, Inside Out, Insight, Insted, Integrity, Jesuseater, JFA, Journeyman, Justice League, Kill Holiday, Kill The Messenger, Last Rights, Leeway, McRad, Memorial Day, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Moondog, Negative Approach, No For An Answer, Orange 9mm, Outburst, Pagan Babies, Pressure Release, Pushed Aside, Quicksand, Raw Deal, Release, Rival Schools, Rollins Band, Running Like Thieves, Samhain, Septic Death, Sex Pistols, Shadow Season, Side By Side, Slapshot, Shelter, Snapcase, Social Distortion, Soulside, Statue, Straight Ahead, SSD, Suicidal Tendencies, Supertouch, Swiz, TSOL, Token Entry, Turning Point, Underdog, Uniform Choice, Unit Pride, Up Front, Verbal Assault, Vision, Warzone, Weirdos, Wide Awake, X, Youth Brigade, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Cure, The Distillers, Fiona Apple, Foo Fighters, Johnny Cash, The Haunted, Leviathan, Metallica, Motorhead, Morrissey, Oasis, U2, Saves The Day, Satyricon, Slayer, The Smiths, Van Halen, Venom, Xasthur, Audio Two, Beastie Boys, Boogie Down Productions, EPMD, Eric B & Rakim, Ice Cube, Jay-Z, LL Cool J, NWA, The Notorious B.I.G, Public Enemy.


Halloween, Friday The 13th, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Psycho, My Bloody Valentine, The Prowler, The Fog, Hellraiser, The Omen, Alien, Amityville Horror, An American Werewolf In London, Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, The Exorcist, The Shining, Scream, The Star Wars Series, A Clockwork Orange, Stand By Me, Full Metal Jacket, Jaws, King Kong, Airplane, The Naked Gun, Night Patrol, Cheech And Chong, Road Trip, Duece Bigalow, Future Primitive, The Search For Animal Chin, Dogtown and Z Boys, Another State Of Mind.


Comcast Sportsnet, The First 48.


American Hardcore, All Ages, Get In The Van, Lexicon Devil, Lords Of Chaos, Disposable, Schism, The Higher Taste, The Science of Self Realization, The Evolution of A Cro-Magnon.


Seekers Of The Truth

My Blog


Double Cross is that concept that will never die. Born as an idea to start a printed fanzine back in 1998. Interviews were done, photographs had been collected over the previous 10 years, but the proj...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:49:00 PST


This was an article I wrote for Define The Meaning Magazine Issue 5. I was asked to write an article on what ever topic I wished and this is what I came up with it. If you haven't checked out an iss...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:15:00 PST

Gita Nagari's Ratha Yatra, Port Royal PA. 7-28-2007

Been meaning to get out here for years, finally made it happen this weekend. The whole family packed in the Jetta for a 3 hour ride to Port Royal PA. Met up with the Daily clan and roamed the farm l...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 11:20:00 PST

Evolution Of A Cro-Magnon

Awhile ago I got a copy of a John Joseph spoken word set from Germany. No BS, the set was like 5 or 6 hours. I listened to the first couple hours of it, but never finished it. Honestly, just couldn't ...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 09:18:00 PST

Straight Edge

There was a topic on the Livewire Records messageboard recently that asked, "How long can your edge last?", the follwing was my answer:Been straight edge now since 1987, so we're talking 20 years. For...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 09:07:00 PST

Leonardo da Vinci

"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when m...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:58:00 PST

Class of 1992

The other day I received a message from a guy I went to high school with. He told me that when I was in high school, I never said a word. I guess because as he looks over my profile photos and see's...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:40:00 PST

Reflections: West Coast Weekend 2006

Being 32, married, a father, a homeowner and working a full time job, can make getting away a bit of a challenge. Going into Triple Threat, I knew all of us would have a hard time doing as much with ...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST

Gorilla Biscuits in your head...

Last nights GB show at the Starlight Ballroom in Philadelphia was in-fucking-credible. I honestly haven't been to a HC show like that in many, many years. First off, the club was pretty much perfect...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 09:00:00 PST

Triple Threat, Mike Vallely Tour...

Again, it's been forever since I've posted any blog entries, but I guess now is as good a time as any. First off, my band Triple Threat, has a full length album being released July 25th, 2006 on Brid...
Posted by TIM DCXX on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:41:00 PST