boys, theatre, broadway, new york city, coloring, making jewlery, designing clothes, taking pictures, being on the computer, being in love, falling in love, cotton candy, turtles, movies, friends, writing, laughing, singing, dancing, skiping when its really sunny out, being emo in small corners when I wish to do so...this list goes on and on.
anything on broadway at the moment, and shut the fuck up if you tihnk thats dumb...because..well...ya shut up. lol. The Used, Starting Line, Autumn to Ashes, SoCo, Yellowcard, Greenday, Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance, Myself singing in the shower at 3 in the morning 3 basicly if the lyrics are amazing, the music sounds good, and it makes me feel...I'm listening to it.
all the Starwars movies, Clockwork Orange, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Virgin Suicides, Where the Heart Is, The Notebook, FINDING FUCKING NEMO!, Finnding Nerverland, Phantom of the Opera, anything disney, Saving Silverman, My Girl, One Hour Photo...the list goes on.
American Idol (shut up), Full House, Boy Meets World, The Real World, The OC (seriously, what kind of teenage girl would I be without loving that show?), The Simple Life, lmao its hillarious, CSI Miami and NY, ER, House...blablabla
You Don't Know Me, Clockwork Orange, Wicked, Gingersnaps, Little Women, All Quiet on the Western Front...
Superman, Spiderman, your mom, my mom, and...thats it? thats a wierd question...