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..6 Yall' know how I do. If you know me then you know I couldn't stay away from it. Dynisty Productions is holding yet another fashion show called Cat Walk II Fashion Show " The Arrival " . Everybody should come out and show their love. If you're trying to go, send me a message, or check out the Dynisty Productions page.♥ Anthony ♥ Is the name. && lets not forget it. I live in the biggest shit hole <[/b> Suffolk ] Cassidy ~ Kitty ~ Regis ~ Kayla = ce

My Interests

~*I don know why, but, I am interested in forensics science. Like, jus that thought of me having to go out to the crime scenes and pick up body parts from a house that someone jus killed themselves in tickles my fancy. Lol. I know it sounds gross but that is jus me. I am doing the best that I can in high school, so when it comes time for me to pick a college, they will accept me. I want to go to Cornell University in New York . Now, if I were accepted to that school, I would really piss myself. Lol. That is one of the leading schools in criminal science . I mean, come on. It is right up there with Harvard and Yale University . It is an Ivy League school, so by the time I get out of school, I would have people sucking my dick so I could work for them. Lol. I am also interested in modeling. Like, people all the time tell me, " Oh My God Anthony, you look so good. You should become a model! Lol. I mean, I have tried it before, but out here in Virginia, there is no place that you can model. Someone lady gave me and some of my pretty friends an invitation to meet this modeling agent, but everyone told me it was a scam so I didn’t go for it. If Forensics Science does not work out for me, then I will take up modeling, and or maybe acting. Because you know, beggars cannot be choosers. Lol. However, in my case, I guess, you can say, beggars can be choosers. Lol. I really do not want to work at a fast food restaurant anymore. It really is not that fun at all. Another one of my interests is concert band . I really do not give a flying fuck if you think that is geeky. Lol. I have been in the concert band since I was in the sixth grade. I do not know why, but when we play a hot ass song, I really cannot get over it. Like in the seventh grade, we played this song called, " By the Rivers of Babylon ". Now, we went so many places with that song. We went to Washington D.C. and played that song, and got second place. However, the thing about it was that we were the only middle school there. We were so damn awesome. Lol. Again, we went to Kings Dominion , being the only middle school there, and got second place with the songs, " By the Rivers of Babylon and Mystic River Fantasy ". We were always the shit. In addition, like, I have always been first chair Tuba player, so, I have to be good. I have kept my chair position for about five years now. Yea, I play the Tuba. Did not really want to play the Tuba. My first choice for an instrument was the Bass Clarinet . Nevertheless, no, I had to play that damn Tuba. But yea, there’s a little about Me.*~

I'd like to meet:

XwhiteCpimpX~*Hmmmmmmm.......I would like to meet many people, but I do not think I have the god given will to sit here and type them all. Therefore, I am jus going to let you know a few people, and give you a little picture show, and you will love it. If you do not love it, I will eat your face. That is that. The first person I wan to meet is the person who thought of making Gucci a fashion line. Then I wan to meet P-Diddy, because, he is a fucking genius. I mean, the Sean John line had to of been the best damn thing he has ever come up with. Lol. However, whom I really want to meet is someone who I can say, "Yo, that’s my baby!" I wan to meet a person who can make me laugh, and carry a conversation, cause; I really do not like to be with a person who wants to act all emo and shit, and not talk. Lol. I really cannot stand when there is someone you are out with, that jus does not talk. I will let you know in a hot second, get the fuck away. I do not wan that shit when I am trying to have fun. I want to meet a person who’s not smarter than I am, cause, I'll be damned if you think I’m going to talk to you, and your talking to me like I’m Steven Hawking. (Steven Hawking is a scary ass motherfucker) I want to meet a person who has a sense of style, and has money. Now, I do not want to sound like a gold digger, but, if you can pay for a date when we go out, I would say, you are worth keeping. Lol. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have money, but, who wants to spend their own money? I know I do not. I also wan to meet a person with a body. I am talking about a body. Lol. Like when I am walking down the street and I break my neck looking at you. Lol. I might not have the best body in the whole world, but at least I have something. Do not be lazy people. Go do a couple crunches. If you think any of this applies to you, and you want to talk to me, then holla at cha boy. However, if none of this applies to you, then please, PLEASE do not try to talk to me. I will let you know that you're ugly if it has to come down to It.*~


~*I would say the one person that I would love to meet in the music industry is R Kelly . Who can come out with a twenty minute song after they just came off trial cause they had sex with a pre-teen about getting caught in a affair? That’s some shit for you right there. Lol. I don’t think I could. In addition, how he did it. Lol. It was pure genius . How they played it on the radio, playing one song every two weeks. He knew exactly what he was doing. He intended it to be like a daytime soap, and that is exactly how it was. It kept you on your damn toes with every new part that came out. R Kelly, I really don’t care about that little thing you did with that little hoe. You are a pure genius. I also like Fall Out Boy. I don know why, but their shit is so hot to me. I never liked music like that, but when I heard their song Sugar Were Going Down , I was hooked! Another one of my favorite artists is Sean Paul . I think that explains itself. Lol. I have all his CDs, and I know just about every song. I am sad, I know...But it is going to be all right! I promise! Lol.*~


My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies
Category My Ratings
Blockbusters OK
Comedies Bad
Action OK
Love OK
More Stuff Good
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Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -"~*I would say my favorite movie in the whole entire world has to be....................." The Rage, Carrie 2 ". I love that movie so damn much. It makes you wonder, if you had the power to control objects with your mind, would you not just go around and fuck with people all day?!?!?!?! I know I would . Lol. I would show up to school, and all the sudden, the doors fly open, then the locker doors fly open as I pass them. Lol. I would have too much fun with that little power. Lol. Another one of my favorite movies has to be X-Men , cause, I would give a fucking eye to have a power like Storm or Jean Grey . Lol. I also like to watch some cartoon movies. One of my all time favorites are Finding Nemo. That movie had me dieing when I saw it. In my opinion, Dorry was the funniest damn character in the whole fucking movie. Lol. Another one of my favorite cartoon movies has to be The Emperors New Groove . David Spade was perfect for that part. He sounds like a bigheaded bastard anyways. Lol. However, I’m going to stop there, cause, I’m kind of being a geek right now. Lol.*~


~*Oh My God. Do not get me started on the damn T.V.! Lol. I love to watch Will and Grace . That has to be the funniest damn show in the world. Lol. I also like to watch a lot of reality T.V. shows like; Black White , Real World , Real World-Road Rules Challenge , American Idol , The Surreal Life , Americas Next Top Model , and a lot of others that I really cannot think of right now. Lol. I love to watch Real Sex on HBO. Lol. I cannot help it. It just like watching a porn , but you have more of a comedy to it. Lol. I love that show. In addition, I like to watch OZ for some reason. It is not that interesting, but I have not missed an episode yet. Lol. One thing that I really love to watch is The National Geographic Channel . Call me whatever you want, but 9 times out of 10, if you see me watching something on T.V., it will probably be something educational . The National Geographic Channel and The Discovery Channel are my two favorite channels. I ♥ them so much!*~


~*Well other than textbooks at school, I cannot say that I really read many books. Lol. However, a couple of times that I did decide to actually sit down and read a book, I really got into them. This book called A Child Called It was one of the best damn books I ever read! Lol. It was so damn sad ! If I ever met somebody who treats his or her child as she did, I think I would have to go to jail. I would effin’ murder her. Another book that I am proud to say that I read was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair . Last year, while we were in history , we were learning about it. It is about how back in the early 1900s , the poor working conditions, and sanitation problems of the cities. That book was thick as hell , but I read it all, because that shit was interesting. I also love to do them damn word searches . Lol. However, I really do not read a lot. I cannot stay still long enough to read a damn book most of the time. It took everything in me to type all of this into my profile. Lol. I think I am a little A.D.H.D. You know what I mean?!?! *~
Experiences ~*I have experienced a lot in my life. Lol. I started working when I turned 15 and hated every minute of it. The only thing I liked about it was, I got so many tips. You know, me being sexy and all, I was bombarded with tips. They like threw their wallets and credit cards at me . I ♥ love ♥ being sexy. You get everything you want.*~


~*Not to get all soft and shit on you now, but I would have to say that, my mom is my hero . I mean, she squeezed out three big head boys , and took care of us most of our lives with no help at all. She works her ass off, and she still looks like a super model . Lol. I ♥ love ♥ my mom. I think it is because of her, I work so damn much. I am seventeen and I have had four jobs, and I still go to school. Lol. Actually, I go to day school , and night school . I do not know many people who can do that. But yea, if she can keep up with us for eight-teen years , and still look how she looked when she was nineteen , she is the shit. I ♥ LOVE ♥ MY MOM !*~

My Blog

"Jena 6"

If you asked me two weeks ago if I've ever heard the name of a little town in Louisiana called 'Jena', I would've drawn a blank. Jena? Never heard of it. It made me think of the ill-fated Palestinian ...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 03:50:00 PST

"Tru Confessions

..> So I just got finished watching this Disney movie called "Tru Confessions", and I'm not one to get teary eyed from a movie, but this one was an exception.  Ciara Bryant(Tru) and Shia LeBeo...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:34:00 PST

Facts To Live By......

1: A Goldfish's attention span is three seconds.2: Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.4: Slugs have 4 noses.5: A camel has 3 eyelids.8: A bee has 5 eyes.10: Mosquitoes are attracted to peo...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 06:18:00 PST

Fuck you with something HARD and SAND-PAPERY!

Posted by Antonamous™ on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:43:00 PST

My Top 8 Is Freggin' Awesome!

My Top 8.1.Cassidy2.Bethany3.Kayla4.Regis5.Jenni6.Daniel7.Jamal8.Ph ylisha The Questions How did you meet 6?Kayla introduced me to him one day like two years ago when we were in lunch. Why are you frie...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 03:05:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes
Posted by Antonamous™ on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:10:00 PST

Leave The Gays Alone!

1) Being gay is not natural. "Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning." 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.  "In the same way t...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:25:00 PST

I Fucking Hate People!

Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news th...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 12:19:00 PST

Racism Bulletin going around. I had to get this off my cheast. My comments are in green.

---I'm sick of this bulletin because in reality...   You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and even "The Man" and you think it's OK. &nbs...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 12:19:00 PST

~*All the fun shit you can do in Suffland*~

Suffolk is right next to the little bear, and the little deer on the map. Hmmmmm......What is there to do in Suffland? There really aint a GOD DAMN thing to do in suffolk. Lol. You can go walking,...
Posted by Antonamous™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST