Ryan Schwenksville profile picture

Ryan Schwenksville

I'm burned out at 22

About Me

i was in Louisiana too, i fucked up that map

My Interests

Barricade, finishing college, touring, hardcore shows, records, my friends, Philadelphia sports

I'd like to meet:

Hardcore kids, like-minded people, whoever


To name a few...
Alkaline Trio, American Nightmare, Bayside, Biohazard, Blacklisted, Boys Night Out, Brand New, Ceremony, Cold World, Crime In Stereo, Cro-Mags, Cut The Shit, Danzig, Dead Again, Death Threat, Down To Nothing, Fight Like Hell, Freeway, Fucked Up, The Get Up Kids, Glass Jaw, Gorilla Biscuits, Guns Up!, H20, Hatebreed, Integrity, Jay Z, Kid Dynamite, Kids Like Us, Know The Score, Lamb of God, Leeway, Life of Agony, MXPX, Madball, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Modern Life is War, New Found Glory, Nirvana, No Warning, Palehorse, Pantera, Pulling Teeth, Rage Against the Machine, Ringworm, Say Anything, Sick of It All, Skarhead, Smoke of Fire, Snapcase, Terror, Trash Talk, Turmoil, Wisdom in Chains The Wonder Years,


"insert noun" Of The Dead, Almost Famous, American Beauty, American Hardcore, Big Lebowski, Cabin Fever, Clerks, Departed, Fight Club, Goodfellas, High Fidelity, Hot Fuzz, It, Memento, Mulholland Drive, Pulp Fiction, Resivoir Dogs, The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Devils Rejects, The Shining, Waynes World 1 and 2,


Aqua Teen, Family Guy, Frisky Dingo, Futurama, House, Metalocalypse, The Office, Scrubs, Simpsons, South Park, Tell Me You Love Me,


Anything by Chuck Palahniuk