Chillout profile picture


P.I.P Mont Deuce Nine Repa N.P ALL DAY

About Me

stars layout @ HOT

My Interests

nothing relly interests me out here anymore this world is to fucking twisted.

I'd like to meet:

who i would like to meet it dont matter the sh..t aint going to happen.ya know


hip hop is the life i like alot of r/b oldies but i only listen to that shit when im on my mello side of the day yam saying.the old school alwayss going to play on.playa


16 blocks,insde man,casino,goodfellas,scarface,carlitos way,donnie brasco,heat,x,do the right thing,school days,mo betta blues,new jack city,enemy of the state,devil's advocate,the hills have eyes that shit is crazy,u so crazy,be cool,get shortie,house party 1 and 2,class act


my favorite t.v used to be martin the steve harvey show the parkers 106 in park,the basemnt, mind freak,of course channel 10 news thats keep me intouch wit reality cause i cant stand it.oh yeah cant 4 get espn love sports


xxL.the source,the daily news thats alll i read


never had one to look up to except playin in the streets of north philly the hood is always ya first roll model.just watch ya body.