Just Josh For Now profile picture

Just Josh For Now

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About Me

AIM - EvilSeed86
+ Positives

funny, loyal, random, interesting, real, creative, i been told down to earth (maybe i'm not?), i write songs and do cool stuff with phones, i like playing basketball and being active, i shower and wear deorderant daily which is good, animals are ok.

- Negatives

I enjoy extra sauce on my pizza.


My Interests


EminEm, Linkin Park, The Offspring, Stephen Lynch, Hawthorne Heights.


Mitch Hedburg, Daniel Tosh, Jim Florentine, Jim Norton, Robert Schimmel, Zack Galifianakis, Dave Attell, Mitch Fatel, Doug Stanhope, Sarah Silverman & many others.


Office Space, Half Baked, Superbad, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, American Pie Movies, Billy Madison.


The Simpsons, Family Guy, That 70's show, Hells Kitchen, Seinfeld, Cheesey MTV Shows Are Cool.


The Outsiders, Night by Ellie Wiezel, green eggs and ham.


Dating & Relationship Advice
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