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~I kNo He LiKeS mE i KiNdA dIg It So I dId My ThInG 4 hIm He JoInEd N wIt Me I c ThEm OtHa GuRlS bUt

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The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum: WaTeRmElOn BuBbLiCiOuS
restaurant: KeN's (BaNkHeAd)
drink: AnYtHiNg OrAnGe (ArMaReDa SoUr & GiN & pInEaPpLe JuIcE)
season: FaLl
type of weather: WaRm
emotion: HaPpY
thing to do on a half day: ChIlL wIt SoMeOnE sPeCiAl
late-night activity: PaRtY oR b WiT mY sPeCiAl SoMeOnE
sport: FoOtBaLl
city: aTlAnTa
store: PuBlIx....UnIcA/mAn AlIvE
When was the last time you..
cried: LiKe A wEeK aGo (I'M sO tIrEd Of ShIt)
played a sport: 11Th GrAdE
laughed: LiKe 20 MiNs AgO
hugged someone: YeStErDaY
kissed someone: 2DaY
felt depressed: LiKe A cOuPlE dAyS aGo
felt elated: Dn'T rEmEmBeR
felt overworked: EvErYdAy
faked sick: HiGh ScHoOl
lied: PrOlLy RiTe NoW....j/P yEsTeRdAy
What was the last..
word you said: YeStErDaY
thing you ate: SkItTlEs (ReAl SkItTlEs N tHa ReD pAcK)
song you listened to: U sHoUlD b My GuRl (I wAs ThInKiN bOuT mY sPeCiAl PeRsOn)
thing you drank: Hi-C oRaNgE dRiNk 4Rm ChEcKeRs
place you went to: 714 LaSt NiTe 4 AtM sHoW
movie you saw: An AmErIcAn DrEaM:mIcHaEl JaCkSoN lIfE sToRy
movie you rented: NoNe I jUsT bUy ThEm
concert you attended: K-rAb & ThA tRuTh At ThA pOoLe PaLaCe
Who was the last person you..
hugged: QuIn (WhO pLaY 4 tHa LiL lEaGuE tEaM aT mY mOm JoB)
cried over: NoBoDy....JuSt AlOt Of BuLlShIt & DrAmA tHaT i'M sIcK oF
kissed: My MoM yEsTeRdAy At ThA gAmE (dOeS tHaT cOuNt) LoL
danced with: My BiG sIs jAmIe At 714 LaSt NiTe
shared a secret with: MaRiA,jEsSiCa,ShAy & JaMiE (bOuT mY sPeCiAl FrIeNd)
had a sleepover with: I sPeNt ThA nItE oVa My BeStFrIeNd MaRiA hOuSe (ThAt CoUnTs)
called: My BeStFrIeNd MaRiA
went to a movie with: mY eX-bOyFrIeNd
saw: My WhOlE fAmIlY (tHeY oUt My HoUsE rItE nOw)
were angry with: 2 mAnY 2 nAmE jUsT 1
couldn't take your eyes off of: MySeLf & My SpEcIaL fRiEnD
obsessed over: My SpEcIaL fRiEnD
Have you ever..
danced in the rain: YeA (wHeN i WaS yOuNgEr Or MaYbE dRuNk)
kissed someone: HaSn'T eVeRyBoDy
done drugs: No
drank alcohol: HeLl YeAh
slept around: HaVe SeX yEa (SlEpT aRoUnD hElL nO)
partied 'til the sun came up: HeLl FuCk YeAh
had a movie marathon: FlAvOr Of LoVe (It CoUnTs)
gone too far on a dare: HeLl No
spun until you were immensely dizzy: YeA
taken a survey quite like this before: HeLl YeAh HoW mAnY
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::iN DepTh::For The Ladies::
Like Always...A Bit of the Basics
Name: LaQuItA
Favorite Nicknames: PEACHES
Height n Weight: 5'6 N 121
Eye Color: BrOwN
Where do you live: SuMmErHiLl
Where would you rather live: WeStSiDe
Siblings n their Names: I hAvE 2 mAnY 2 nAmE 13 (dAdDy SiDe) 1 (MaMa SiDe)
Favorite Color: OrAnGe
Favorite Food: HoT wInGs & PiZzA
Favorite Flower: ReD oR wHiTe RoSeS
Best Friend(s): MaRiA,dEsIrEe,ShAy,JeSsIcA,tErRiOn,CaNdIcE,jAmIe & Ci'ArA
Favorite Music Type: RaP & r & B
Every Day Life
What do you do for a living?: Be SpOiLeD
How often do you work?: WhAt Is ThAt (LoL)
Do you have a nice car?: I cAn'T dRiVe
Favorite place to shop: AnYwHeRe N tHa MaLlS
Favorite restaurant: KeN's (BaNkHeAd) & PiZzA hUt
Favorite place to go: My BeStFrIeNd MaRiA hOuSe & ThA cLuB
Biggest Annoyance: DrAmA & bUlLsHiT
Future Goal(s): Be A pEdIaTrIcIaN,nUrSeS aId & GeT mArRiEd & HaVe KiDs
How do you react when you are mad: It'S a SiGhT 2 c....ThRoW sHiT, cUrSe, ScReAm, CrY....aLoT oF sHiT
Favorite Drink: AnYtHiNg OrAnGe (ArMaReDa SoUr, GiN oR aBsOlUtE & pInEaPpLe JuIcE)
Last time you partied: LaSt ThUrSdAy
Last time you shopped for clothes: 2 WeEkS aGo
What did you get?: A pOlO sHiRt, JeAnS & lEgGiNs
Last time you shopped for groceries: SuNdAy
What did you get?: GrOcErY
Guilty Pleasures: I cAn'T tHiNk Of NoNe RiTe NoW
Favorite Movie: BaBy BoY & tHiN lInE bEtWeEn LuV & hAtE
Favorite Person: MySeLf,My MoM,bEsTfRiEnDs & My SpEcIaL fRiEnD
Describe your clothing style: JeAnS,sKiRtS,lEgGiNs HeElS & tEnNiS sHoEs
Are you preppy/punk/nerdy/goth?: NeItHeR
Have you ever gone clubbing?: HeLl FuCk YeS (2 mAnY tImEs)
What did you think of it?: ShIt I gO aLmOsT eVeRy WeEkEnD (u AnSwEr ThAt)
Biggest Frustrations: WhEn I cAn'T hAvE mY fUcKiN wAy
What makes you sad: WhEn I cAn'T hAvE mY wAy AgAiN
What makes you jealous: WhEn My BoYfRiEnD oR sUm 1 I cArE bOuT b RoUnD oThA gUrLs Or SuM lIkE tHaT
What makes you smile: My SpEcIaL fRiEnd
What makes you laugh: AlMoSt EvErYtHiNg CaUsE i Am VeRy SiLlY
Describe your personality: BeAuTiFuL
Biggest Fear: DyIn
Biggest Weakness: LoVe
Any Allergies?: No
Bad Habits?: YeP (sMoKiN & dRiNkIn)
Most embarrassing moment: WhEn I gOt So DrUnK n ThA cLuB i WaS tHrOwIn Up On ThA pAtIo Of ThA cLuB
Funny memory: I dN't HaVe NoNe
Most missed part of childhood: WhEn My GoDmOtHeR,gReAt-GrAnDmA,cOuSin & OlDeSt BrOtHeR wAs LiViN
Favorite celebrities: OmAr EpPs
Favorite band: AtM,cHoPpA fAm,YuNg MoNeY/mOnEy BlOcK & d4L
Ever gone on a road trip?: YeA hOw MaNy
Want to go on one now?: HeLl FuCk YeS
Newest friends: KaMaYa,DrEkIa,BiAnCa,JaMiE & cI'aRa
Friends you've known the longest: MaRiA,dEsIrEe,TeRrIoN,sHaY & jEsSiCa
Who's the most dependable?: AlL oF tHeM
Nicest thing you've ever done: 2 mUcH 2 nAmE jUsT 1 tHiNg
Nicest thing someone else has done for you: AlOt
Have you ever been in a fight?: HeLl YeAh AlOt Of Em
Do people think you're a bitch?: FuCk YeS (tHeIr RiTe)
On a scale of 1-10 how friendly are you (10 being the friendliest)?: 10
Favorite snack: NoThIn N pArTiCuLaR
Favorite dessert: ChOcOlAtE cAkE & sHeRbErT iCe CrEaM
What kind of underwear do you have?: DiFfErEnT kInDs (ThOnGs,PaNtIeS,bOy ShOrTs)
Is going comando gross?: WhAt
Relationships // Opposite Sex // All that Jazz
Single or Taken: TaKeN
Any crushes?: SuM lIkE dAt
What's their name(s)?: JuSt BeIn 2 NoSeY (hE kNoWs WhO hE iS)
How many people have you kissed?: 4
If you could kiss only ONE person ever again, who would it be?: HmMmM gOoD qUeStIoN
Favorite thing about the opposite sex: ChEsT,lIpS & tHa WaY tHeY tReAt Me
What kind of clothes do you like on guys?: NaMe BrAnDs
Least favorite clothes on a guy: BuLlShIt AiN't NoBoDy HeArD oF
Does size matter?: FuCk YeA
Don't lie...: I dIdN't
Who is the last person you kissed?: No CoMmEnT (hE kNoWs)
What kind of guys do you go for?: SeXy,SwEeT bUt GoT a LiL tHuG n HiM
Biggest turn ON: LiPs & ChEsT
Biggest turn OFF: BrOkE
Describe the perfect guy: SeXy,SwEeT,sMaRt,ThUgGiSh,TrEaTs Me RiGhT & gOt A lIl MoNeY
Most annoying thing they do: CaLl AlL tHa FuCkIn TiMe
Ever want to get married?: HeLl YeAh (WhO dN't)
Ever want to have kids?: YeA (2 nO mOrE tHaN 3)
What kind of job do you want ur future hubby to have?: It Dn'T mAtTeR lOnG aS hE pAy AlL tHa BiLlS
Are bald guys hott?: SuM oF tHeM
What about fat guys?: It DePeNdS
Skinny guys?: SuM tImEs
How tall would your perfect guy be?: 6'0 Or TaLlEr
Do you sleep with the opposite sex?: B mOrE sPeCiFiC nExT tImE (yEs I hAvE sEx)
Favorite activity involving the opp. sex: JuSt ChIlLiN wAtChIn MoViEs & ShIt LiKe ThAt
Describe the perfect date: GoIn OuT 2 DiNnEr MaYB a MoViE aNd JuSt GeTtIn 2 KnO eAcH oThA
Describe a horrible date: GoIn AlL wIt HiM & AlL hIs HoMeBoYs WiT tHeY gUrLs AlL tHa TiMe MaYb SuM tImEs
Should he buy you things?: If He ChOoSe
Quick!! choose TOP or BOTTOM: ToP
Are muscles sexy?: SoMeTiMeS
What about tan lines?: No UnLeSs ThEy CaN't HeLp It
Should guys go tanning in booths?: HeLl Na'Ll
Favorite ex: 3 DuB (iF u KnO mE u GoN kNo ExAcTlY wHo I'm TaLkIn BoUt)
Least favorite ex: PaT
Most annoying ex: MaMmY
Favorite body part: LiPs & ChEsT
Favorite hairstyle: LoW cUt Or DrEaDs
Boxers or Briefs?: BoXeRs
What are you doing tomorrow?: (PoSe 2 B gOiN oN a Rd TrIp....I dN't KnO yEt)
What would you rather be doing?: GoInG oN mY rOaD tRiP
Going anywhere interesting?: If I tAkE mY tRiP hElL yEaH
What are you doing when this is done?: I dN't KnO
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Eastside or westide? WeStSiDe (AlL dAy)
Crips or Bloods? NeItHeR
Yankees or Redsoxs? NeItHeR (bRaVeS)
2pac or Biggie? BoTh (DePeNdS oN tHa SoNg)
Game or 50 cent? GaMe
Disney world/land? DiSnELaNd (I aLrEaDy WeNt 2 DiSnEy WoRlD)
Six flags or Kings Island? SiX fLaGs
Shell or BP? Bp
Football or baseball game? FoOtBaLl
The park or the store? PaRk
Walmart or target? WaLmArT
McDonalds or Rallies? McDoNaLdS
Color? OrAnGe
Song? U sHoUlD b My GuRl (SaMmIe),RiNg ThA aLaRm (BeYoNcE),AlL aBoUt ThA PaPeR (cHoPpA fAm) & MoNeY bLoCk (YuNg MoNeY)
Food? HoT wInGs, PiZzA & PhIlLy ChEeSeStEaKs
Movie? BaBy BoY & tHiN lInE bEtWeEn LuV & hAtE
T.V. channel? BeT, lIfEtImE & sHoWtImE
Artist? YuNg MoNeY/mOnEy BlOcK, cHoPpA fAm, AtM & d4L
Sport? FoOtBaLl
Clothing brand? RoCaWeAr
Yo birthday? MaRcH 18, 1987
Eminem? WhItE bOy TrYiN 2 b BlAcK
Bologna? NaStY aS fUcK
Hott? SuMmEr
Orange? My FaVoRiTe EvErYtHiNg
Real World? WhAt We LiViN n
Fuck? YoU
Jack? PoT
Cucumber? SaLaD
Hip-Hop MuSiC
Uniform? JoB
Unicorn? HoRsE
Rainbow? RaIn
Clown? ChIlDiSh
1.Sexi nickname? LiL mAmA oR pEaChEs
2.Zodi. Sign? PiSCeS
3.what makes your toes curl? GoOd SeX
4.what makes you light headed and flusterd? ThA rIgHt NiGgA
5.What makes you scream? A nIgGa ThAt KnOwS wHaT hE's DoIn
6.In one word describe your personality? BeAuTiFuL
7.Fav. love song NoThIn LiKe ThA 1sT tImE (yUnG jOc)
8.Friends or boy/girlfriends? BoYfRiEnDs
9.Laid back or party animal? LaId BaCk (BoTh)
10.Get Crunk or get laid? GeT cRuNk
11.Best place to be kissed? My LiPs
12.Worst place to be kissed? My FoRhEaD (rEmInDs Me Of My DaDdY)
13.Longest relationship? 5 yEaRs
14.STD or prgnant? PrEgNaNt
15.Give head or get head? GeT hEaD
16.Bottom or top? BoTtOm (BoTh)
17.Pooh bear or scooby doo? NeItHEr (TwEeTy BiRd)
18.Gansta or pimp? GaNgStA
19.Gift from boy/girl or quality time? QuAlItY tImE
20.Fav. body part? My LiPs
21.Cater to you or cater to me? BoTh
22.Life alone orwith somebody u dont love? LiFe AlOnE
23.Best place for sex? A hOuSe Or HoTeL
24.6 or 9? 9

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Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)
--Your Favorite--
Hair Color:: BlAcK Or NaTuRaL
Eye Color:: BrOwN oR bLaCk
(Their)Music Genre Preference:: It DoEsN't MaTtEr
Height(estimate):: 5'8 Or TaLlEr
Age:: 20 & Up
Personality Type:: NiCe
--This or That--
Older or Younger:: OlDeR
Romantic or Horndog:: RoMaNtIc
Smart or Stupid:: SmArT
Fat or Skinny:: SkInNy
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular:: SkInNy BuT mUsCuLaR
Punk or Preppy:: NeItHeR
The Big Picture or the Little Things:: ThA lItTlE tHiNgS mOsTlY (bOtH)
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present:: NeItHeR (qUaLiTy TiMe)
Mixtape or Burned CD:: EiThEr
Love or Lust:: LoVe
Emotional or Just Not:: BoTh
Sincere or Jokester:: BoTh
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet:: DePeNdS oN pErSoNaLiTy
Sexy or Just Cute:: SeXy
Arse or Abs:: AbS
Hair or Hands:: Dn'T mAtTeR
Dimples or Eyes:: DiMpLeS
Biceps or Calves/Thighs:: Dn'T mAtTeR
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) :: WhO cArEs
Clean Shaven or Scruffy:: Dn'T mAtTeR
Rugged or Prim and Proper:: Dn'T mAtTeR
Countryboy or Cityboy: CiTyBoY
Date alone or With Friends: AlOnE mAjOrItY oF tHa TiMe
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause:: DePeNdS
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much:: HeLl YeAh
Loved a guy because he stalked you:: YeAh (Dn'T aSk WhY)
Loved a guy because he hated you:: HeLl No
Asked your friend's crush out:: HeLl No (1 Of My FrIeNd'S cRuShEs AsKeD mE oUt)
Lead a guy on for kicks:: YeA
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott:: YeA (wHo HaSn'T)
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend:: WhEn I wAs MaD 2 mAkE hIm JeAlOuS
Lied about not having a boyfriend:: YeA
Lied about having one:: YeA (wHeN bOyS i Dn'T wAnT tRy 2 TaLk 2 Me)
Cheated:: YeA
Been Cheated on:: FuCk YeAh
Had a crush on a gay guy:: HeLl No
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?:: YeS
Briefs?:: No
Hat?:: YeS
Skater Shoes?:: No
Pimp Shoes?:: No
Band Shirts?:: No
Vintage shirts?:: No
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?:: YeA
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?:: No
Independent/DC?:: No
S&M/Little Devil?:: No
Fox/Thor?:: No
Jeans or Shorts?:: BoTh
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?:: YeS
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?:: No
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?:: SoMeTiMeS
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?: YeS
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?:: No (I dN't ScReW lOtS oF gUyS)
Do looks matter?:: NoT rEaLlY (pErSoNaLiTy)
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?:: YeA
Does size matter?:: SoMeTiMeS
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?:: No (I jUsT tElL tHeM i Dn'T wAnNa TaLk)
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?:: No
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be):: No
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?:: No
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?:: HeLl No
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?:: YeA
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?:: No (He MiTe NoT bE aBlE 2 sAy It RiTe AwAy)
Wanna be a virgin till marriage?: HeLl No It'S 2 lAtE
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?: YeS
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?:: HeLl FuCk YeAh
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?:: HeLl No
Does this survey suck nuts?: I dN't KnO!!!!
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I'd like to meet:






BaBy BoY & tHiN lInE bEtWeEn LoVe & HaTe
Name: LaQuItA nE'CoLe
Birthday: MaRcH 18,1987
Birthplace: AtLaNtA....gRaDy HoSpItAl
Current Location: My HoUsE
Eye Color: BrOwN
Hair Color: JeT bLaCk (No I dIdN't DyE iT tHaT cOlOr)
Height: 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGhT hAnDeD
Your Heritage: AfRiCaN aMeRiCaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: TaN sTiLlEtOs
Your Weakness:
Your Fears: DyIn A hOrRiBlE dEaTh At A yUnG aGe
Your Perfect Pizza: MeAt LoVeRs (PiZzA hUt)
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: HaVe A gOoD jOb & GeT aNoThA aPaRtMeNt
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I dN't UsE iM
Thoughts First Waking Up: WhAt DrAmA iS gOiN 2 b BrOuGhT 2 mE 2dAy
Your Best Physical Feature: EvErYtHiNg 2 ThA bOyS (mY lIpS 2 mE)
Your Bedtime: WhEnEvA i GeT tIrEd
Your Most Missed Memory: My OwN aPaRtMeNt
Pepsi or Coke: NeItHeR (oRaNgE aLl DaY)
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDoNaLdS
Single or Group Dates: SiNgLe
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: LiPtOn IcE tEa
Chocolate or Vanilla: VaNiLlA
Cappuccino or Coffee: NeItHeR
Do you Smoke: YeS (oCcAsIoNaLlY)
Do you Swear: HeLl YeS (dOeSn'T eVeRyBoDy)
Do you Sing: I dO (i CaN't ThOuGh)
Do you Shower Daily: HeLl FuCk YeS
Have you Been in Love: YeA i WiSh I hAdN't
Do you want to go to College: AlReAdY tHeRe
Do you want to get Married: YeA (1 dAy)
Do you belive in yourself: HeLl YeA (iF i Dn'T wHo WiLl)
&..39;Do you get Motion Sickness:' NoPe
Do you think you are Attractive: FuCk YeA (lOoK aT tHa PiCs)
Are you a Health Freak: Na'Ll (NoT rEaLlY)
Do you get along with your Parents:
Do you like Thunderstorms: YeA (dEpEnDs On WhErE i'M aT & wHo I'm WiT)
Do you play an Instrument: HeLl No
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: HeLl FuCk YeS (hOw MaNy TiMeS)
In the past month have you Smoked: HeLl YeA
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No (I dN't Do DrUgS)
In the past month have you gone on a Date: YeA (i WiSh I wOuLdN't HaVe)
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: HeLl YeA (2 mAnY tImEs)
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: EwWwW (i HaTe OrEo's)
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: HeLl No (I dN't EaT tHaT sHiT)
In the past month have you been on Stage: HeLl YeA (hOw MaNy TiMeS....pOoLe PaLaCe)
In the past month have you been Dumped: HeLl No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: FuCk NoPe
Ever been Drunk: FuCk YeA (a CoUpLe Of TiMeS)
Ever been called a Tease: YeA (uNfOrTuNaNTeLy)
Ever been Beaten up: No (DoEs By My BrOtHeR cOuNt)
Ever Shoplifted: HeLl YeA (wHeN i WaS yOuNgEr)
How do you want to Die: I dN't KnOw (I dN't WaNt 2 DiE nO tImE sOoN)
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A nUrSeS aId Or PeDiAtRiCiAn
What country would you most like to Visit: I dN't WaNt 2 ViSiT aNoThA cOuNtRy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: It Dn'T mAtTeR (nAtUrAl)
Favourite Hair Color: BlAcK oR nAtUrAl
Short or Long Hair: ShOrT oR dReAdS
Height: 6'0 Or TaLlEr (I nEeD sOmEbOdY 2 lOoK uP 2)
Weight: SliM oR bUiLt
Best Clothing Style: NaMe BrAnD
Number of Drugs I have taken: NoNe
Number of CDs I own: AlOt
Number of Piercings: 2 EaR pIeRcInGs & A tOnGuE rInG (nAvAl RiNg NeXt)
Number of Tattoos: 2 So FaR (i WaNt 8-10)
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1 (GeTtIn My Ex-BoYfRiEnD nAmE)


SeX aNd ThA cItY & fLaVoR oF lOvEBeyonce...Ring The Alarm

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AlL tHa WoMeN n My FaMiLy

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EvErYoNe Is RePlAcAbLe!!!!

DaMn I aM sO aGgRaVaTeD wIt hIs IrRePlAcEaBlE sHiT....eVeRyWhErE u TuRn SoMeBoDy HaS iRrEpLaCeAbLe SoMeWhErE!!!!      WhAt'S uP wIt ThIs DaMn NeW tHiNg ThAt EvErYoNe Is ThInKiN tHeY aRe...
Posted by ~My NaM sHoUlD b DiCk CaUsE iT sTaY n A hOe MoUtH~ on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:38:00 PST