Notorious J.O.E. profile picture

Notorious J.O.E.


About Me

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CopiedFromMySpace -- AddThisSkateparkWell I could tell you about myself but I'll just leave it up to my friends. So here it goes:A comedic mastermind, consumate ladies man, and an all-around suave G, Notorious J.O.E. is probably the most hip cat you'll meet... in your whole life. Straight up.He wants to rock right now, his name is Chavis, and he came'a git down. He's not internationally known... well, actually he is. I once saw him in the Czech Republic rap battling Donald Trump while Vladimir Putin beatbox'd. Who else can say that? Nobody, that's who.So, if you know what's what, you'll beg for the op to schmooz with the one, the only: Notorious J.O.E.-Daniel

My Interests

Skateboarding, Being with my friends, Meeting new people, Criticizing movies, Making people laugh, Going to concerts, Parties
You And Skateboarding
Your Setup: Blank board, Indy trucks, Darkstar wheels, Swiss Ceramic bearings.
Street or Vert: Street
Old skool or New skool: New skool but I can get down old style.
Skating with Friends or by Yourself: Friends.
Blank or Graphic Decks: Blank.
Favorite Company: Nah. not really.
Have You Ever Broke Your Board: Yeah. It's been forever though.
Have You broke A Bone Skating: Nah just land on my head a few times.
Whos Your Favorite Pro: Mark Appleyard.
Are You Sponsored? If Yes By What: It's in the works.
Have You Ever Bought Skate Stuff Online Before?: Aircraft board. It was made of metal. Horrible.
Rail Or Box: Both.
Whats Your Favorite Trick: Front Blunts. Any Manual combo.
Rap Or Rock: Both. When skating strickly rap though.
Do you Have A Skate Team? If Yes Whats The Name: Not really. Some people still claim J-Maf though.
Do You Skateboard Just To Be Cool?: Nah the skateboarding came after my coolness status
Kickflip Or Heelflip: Pop Shuv
Do You Like Freestyle: Not really. freestyle rap is chill.
What Would You Rate Yourself As A Skater ?/10: I don't do that.
Transworld SKATEboarding or Thrasher Magazines: Both. If it has skating in it I'm there.
Gaps Or Banks: Both.
Can You 360: Yeah.
Last Skateboard Product You Bought: Indy Trucks.
For Fun Or For Life: Both. Who came up with that question?
Last Shoes You Skated With: Circa Adrian Lopez 50
Ticketed For Skating?: I just used a fake name.
Favorite Skate Park Jordan and Logan.


I'd like to meet:

Everyone. I like socializing. Well minus girls that want me to check out there webcam. They're so annoying.


Everything, yes everything, ok well maybe not gospel or opera. The list is longer than the reasons to kick Bush out of office. Oh yeah and that music where you punch and kick each other is lame.

Take My Quiz
Who......'s my favorite band?

A) Fear Factory
B) Nirvana
C) Mushroomhead

What......'s my favorite kind of Soda?

A) Root Beer
B) Dr. Pepper
C) Mt. Dew

What skatepark can you always find me at?

A) Taylorsville
B) 9th and 9th
C) Sandy

What......'s my ideal job?

A) Pornstar
B) A Suit and Tie job
C) Pro Skateboarder

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!


Yeah I got some of those but only the good ones, no Napeolen Dynamite here. Focus Films are very good. See one today. Porn is good too.


Oz, Cops, The Office, My Name Is Earl. That's about it. Not too big into the T.V. thing.


I just wait for them to come out on video and say the book is probably better.


I am my own hero.